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Secret Invasion - Disney+

Started by BLUEVOODU, June 21, 2023, 10:22:28 PM

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I've been waiting for Secret Invasion for a long time.  If I remember right, it was delayed at least once as well. It just came out!

So far, this show is off to an interesting start.  I think they did pretty well and the list of actors is awesome.  I'm glad to see Nick Fury back at it (this is obviously not a spoiler). I won't go too far for now to avoid spoilers.

Who's pumped for Secret Invasion?   Have you been looking forward to it starting?  Post it up!


I completely forgot about this show until I started seeing articles for reviews pop up about 2 weeks ago. I watched episode 1 and so far it's intriguing. They got a lot of big actors for this show which is nice.

Although, not a fan of...

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Killing Maria Hill. Or at least, the possibility of her being dead. I wouldn't be surprised if this is a fake-out and she shows up later. If that is the case, I hope it's done well.

retro junkie

I watched this over a week ago, when it first aired? I am interested in how this is going to play out. This is only an intro first show to set the ground work and direction of the series.

@CreepinDeth i agree with your spoiler. My reaction was, "What the....."
there is no spoon


Same here @CreepinDeth @retro junkie man... we couldn't believe that happened.  Same response... what the?!

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we were like you can't do that to her... on the 1st episode... come on.  I'm half expecting to see Coulson again too for some reason  ;D   Come on Disney... do it!  :great:

retro junkie

My reaction to the second episode,

"Well that just happened."

Not sure how to perceive this series. It raises questions more than anything else so far. It is my understanding that there are only six episodes.
there is no spoon

retro junkie

If this series has only six episodes, I would have to say,"failure" at this point. Maybe I have misunderstood Nick Fury's character. He seemed to be someone who does not give up, but would always be forming a team to fight to protect the earth. There is just something about the way this series is being put together and unfolding that falls flat. For me at least.

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Here I see an old man who has given up, weak has been. He is alone, mostly. He is literally crawling out of the shadows of what seems like despair? I thought that Captain Marvel flew out in front of the spaceship to find these aliens a home at the end of her first movie. What happened with that? And now we have over a million of these guys on earth? You would think that there would be more activity in recruiting on their part instead of being a two man team. Really, what good could they do?
there is no spoon


Quote from: retro junkie on July 06, 2023, 05:12:09 PMIf this series has only six episodes, I would have to say,"failure" at this point.

I'm not sure if I would go that far yet. Episode 2 felt really strong. Episode 3 was so-so but had some good moments. I do think it's opening itself up to a lot of continuity errors with the backstory they're filling in.

Quote from: retro junkie on July 06, 2023, 05:12:09 PM
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Here I see an old man who has given up, weak has been. He is alone, mostly. He is literally crawling out of the shadows of what seems like despair? I thought that Captain Marvel flew out in front of the spaceship to find these aliens a home at the end of her first movie. What happened with that? And now we have over a million of these guys on earth? You would think that there would be more activity in recruiting on their part instead of being a two man team. Really, what good could they do?

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I'm not sure if I see someone who has given up. If anything, he's desperate because he doesn't know who to trust anymore. Which makes sense. He screwed up by not being on Earth and keeping tabs on the Skrulls.

As for the recruiting, I think it goes back to not knowing who you can trust anymore. They already showed his wife has defecting to Gravik and he caught that. So he probably doesn't want to advertise too much that he's hunting Skrulls. It already got Maria Hill killed, which at this point, looks to be permanent.

As for what happened in the Captain Marvel movie, I'm hoping they fill that in during the sequel.


My Guess is there will be informational backfill during the Marvels. The previews seem to hint at this. 

Episode 4 was much shorter and had more shocking stuff in it:
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and they better have not killed off Talos.  Man... I will not be happy.

It will be hard for them to resolve everything in the next 2 episodes... I guess we will see how they do it.

retro junkie

I did enjoy the 4th episode. My expectations are not very high that they will resolve everything that they have set in motion during this season. Is it possible that we will see that in the coming Marvel movies? Hopefully they will resolve this in a way that will be satisfying. Or push it in a direction that will give you a sense of satisfaction and your imagination will take over at that point. I do not know how this played out in the comics. I quit reading comics at the beginning of the 70's and I do not remember what was going on with the skrulls at that point. I remember the Fantastic Four having a battle with them. I am not expecting a season 2, but you never know with Disney at the helm.
there is no spoon


I watched most of the first two episodes but was mostly distracted because it didn't really draw me in. Guess I can give it another shot.


Episode was pretty intriguing and Olivia Colman is doing a great acting job, in my opinion. Seems like a lot of the story was going through the motions to get to these final two episodes. I hope they at least have a serviceable ending.

Of course they ended the episode with...

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Fury getting his spy gear and calling in a special favor from someone. Not going to lie, they got me somewhat excited to see who they exactly get for the cameo.

retro junkie

I like that English lady that works with Fury. And it seems like they put things together for the closure of the series. I expected something like a cliffhanger. I feel like it would have been better as a movie rather than a mini series, just me. I was satisfied with the ending I got. This is something that I would not go back and watch again. But,since every episode is up, I might binge watch the whole thing and see if I get a different feeling.
there is no spoon


Yeah... the last episode was pretty great.   Except...  now we are seeing another plan that will cause an issue.  Not sure where/how this will get resolved.

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I'm not happy Talos actually died... and not happy that Maria was killed as well.  It was crazy to see Rhode locked up for so long... I mean, we knew it was happening.  I am glad they resolved that.   You also cannot kill off Ross.  I am also glad they did not touch those characters.

Again... I wish we had more than 6 episodes.  This series really needed about 10 episodes and maybe 45 min each, not in the 30's towards the end.   I guess they could've gone too far as well.


They definitely should've made this into a movie. My tin foil hat guess would be Disney+ needed more content so they converted this into a show.

The last episode was decent and introduces another villain that will probably culminate in Secret Wars.

With Marvel cutting down on production in general, I wonder how it's all going to turn out. Hopefully more focused.


Hopefully they expand on this a bit more... I think we'll find out a lot more in the Marvels... I also think we'll see a tie in based on what we saw in Secret Invasion.

Definitely dug the series... odd ending... but proper, I think lol.

@CreepinDeth @retro junkie @Grindspine @targetrasp @SpartanEvolved @mastermario --> any additional thoughts?


No additional thoughts. I guess I'm just waiting for Loki S2 at this point. Seems to be one of those shows where Marvel will make it more relevant down the line but on the surface doesn't seem to bring much to the table.

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