Steam Controller - what are your thoughts?

Started by BLUEVOODU, January 30, 2018, 06:03:18 PM

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Did you end up buying the steam controller?  If so what are your thoughts?

If you like a different controller / setup better ... post your setup!


I've got it and I can't stand it, although to be fair I'm sure I gave up on it too quickly. My initial impression wasn't the best, it took some tinkering to work with certian games, and wasn't as simple as an xbox or playstation controller to get working so it's in some box with a bunch of other video game crap in a closet somewhere.


My 1st impression was very negative.  I looked at it... handled the controller once... put it back in the box.  It sat like that for over 1 year lol.  I texted Spartan and gave it a pretty rough review.

I have since used it and it's not as bad as my initial impression lead me to believe.   We use it in combination with a PS4 controller for Lego Worlds and other PC games.   IT worked pretty well for Lego Worlds and platformer style games... but I cannot say it works extremely well for other styles of games.


I guess the initial hatred has been a pretty typical response. Giving it another opportunity may be warranted although I fear it'll still be right up there with the game handler.


Give it a shot... I'm curious on what you think.

Again... for Lego Works and stuff like that, it seems to work decently well.


What even is this?  A $50 wireless PC gamepad? 


Steam Controller

Check out the steam controller above.  It's basically a wireless PC Gamepad... and yes $50 lol.

It works decently to scroll through your list of games and with platformers... but I really haven't tried a lot of other game genres with it.


I didn't have all the parts to connect a monitor, tv, and VR headset to the home theater pc so it lost its monitor. I've put the steam controller in the living room so I don't have pull the keyboard over to the couch. It works well for navigating big picture mode on steam and playing a few controller friendly games. PS4 controllers still do the heavy lifting though.


After a bit of customization, it works phenomenally with Elite: Dangerous in VR. The extra buttons really come in handy, and the grip buttons work great as lateral thrust. Customized the left pad as a hub for a ton of different commands as well.

I've had a few other experiences in VR where it worked better than a 360 controller, but outside of that I'm hard-pressed to find a reason to use a controller over a mouse and keyboard.


That's awesome, I've really wanted to get into elite dangerous despite the reviews and complaints. I may have to borrow your idea


I've enjoyed mine, for the most part. I was on the fence about getting one, and then a friend got me one for my birthday a couple years ago. It definitely has a learning curve, and certainly isn't the best option for certain games, but the sheer amount of customization you can do with it is pretty spectacular.
Through browsing the user uploaded configurations, I was able to find an easy to use WoW setup for it, and while it is certainly not the best way to play WoW, it is nice to be able to play from the comfort of my bed via steamlink if I want to knock out dailys or something


Yes it definitely has its limits but it can be great for certain games.

Maybe I'm just too used to KB&M, but I wasn't able to use the most popular config for Divinity: Original Sin 2 in any capacity. I think it just really depends on the game you're playing and the level of play you're at (I don't expect pro Rocket League players to use it, for example).


Quote from: trkorecky on February 20, 2018, 09:03:11 PM

I've had a few other experiences in VR where it worked better than a 360 controller, but outside of that I'm hard-pressed to find a reason to use a controller over a mouse and keyboard.

Not to derail the thread... but I can give you 1.... Spartan and I found a level in One of the Resident Evil games (the version slipping my mind).   There was 1 level I simply could not perform the actions necessary. It's the FPS one where you play soldier missions and other campaigns / story lines of individual  characters.  The Boss is chasing you up stairs... and you have to spiral around the stair case going up.  I got to a point I simply couldn't complete with a keyboard.

I'm VERY used to keyboard and mouse.

I have Elite Dangerous but not in VR... I mean I have Elite Dangerous VR, but don't have the gear to play VR.  I will try the controller with this game outside VR.  Hopefully will have similar results as you.