Burnout Paradise Remastered - PLaystation 4 - Post Launch Progress Thread

Started by BLUEVOODU, March 19, 2018, 12:12:30 AM

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This is the Burnout Paradise Remastered   progress thread for the PlayStation 4.  What is your progress? What is happening in your game and anything else you would like to share.

On Launch day... I completed 41% of the main game achievements... lol.   

Maybe we can get a get a few of us to connect online and acquire some of the online achievements.



Ya the trophies come pretty thick and fast I'm on 71% now of the main game's trophies

I'm working towards my A licence at the moment though get distracted doing the road times and show time scores   


Nice!  I haven't had a ton of time to play lately.  I'm going to challenge those road rules soon.

Speaking of that... it socks you got 11.6 seconds on the one road.  Forget the name right now.  There's no way to challenge it lol.... Unless I can find the glitch you found.

To be fair, on the original version, I found a glitch on accident on one of the mountain roads. Could never replicate it .. But not saying the road name right now.  ;D


Lol I think that must be a blip because I have beat that road now but its hmm ive forgotten lol XD about 3 or 4 seconds under the offline time I think, defiantly not used any glitch that I know of

Thought I did see on the feed at the bottom that one of my friends has the same time you said I did on that road


Lol. 11.6 seconds. When I think fastest possible is 33-34 and seconds. Maybe not even that fast. 

Maybe it is a glitch in the feed?  Whatever it is... I cannot beat the time lol. Unless I find the glitch.

Did your friend say anything about it?  I would be curious on what happened.


OOOKKK... seriously. What the hell are you doing or is this game doing?  Lol.  You have a time of 11.60 on 2nd Street as well... that street goes on forever.   I've been researching this because you have a couple streets with impossible times.  No one is reporting a glitch like this yet - as far as I can see.

EDIT:  I'm confused as to what's going on.  Your time on ANGUS Wharf changed.  That's the one that was originally 11.60-11.62 seconds.  Now it's just sub 40... wth...


Has anyone tried this game on a 4K TV yet?  There's supposed to be 4K enhancements... but not sure how much better it really looks.


Quote from: BLUEVOODU on March 20, 2018, 08:57:49 PM
OOOKKK... seriously. What the hell are you doing or is this game doing?  Lol.  You have a time of 11.60 on 2nd Street as well... that street goes on forever.   I've been researching this because you have a couple streets with impossible times.  No one is reporting a glitch like this yet - as far as I can see.

EDIT:  I'm confused as to what's going on.  Your time on ANGUS Wharf changed.  That's the one that was originally 11.60-11.62 seconds.  Now it's just sub 40... wth...

I don't think its me it must be the game cause for me Angus Wharf was always just under 40 seconds and no way I have that time on 2nd XD

It's weird it must be something in the game that keeps saying its 11.60 cause I'm just playing the game normally, when I boot up the game next I will have a look at the time for 2nd street.


Quote from: Aya-Kun on March 26, 2018, 04:53:22 AM

I don't think its me it must be the game cause for me Angus Wharf was always just under 40 seconds and no way I have that time on 2nd XD

It's weird it must be something in the game that keeps saying its 11.60 cause I'm just playing the game normally, when I boot up the game next I will have a look at the time for 2nd street.

Yeah. I don't think it is either because they times changed .... Increased. So on Angus Wharf, you had time of 11.60-11.62.  Then it increased to the 30's.    No way that just happens... especially an increase in time.  I haven't found anyone else having the same issue via Google searches. So not sure what's up with the time's.


The power park your car achievement (between 2 cars) makes me want to punch myself in the face.



Quote from: BLUEVOODU on March 27, 2018, 10:07:47 PM
The power park your car achievement (between 2 cars) makes me want to punch myself in the face.


Ya that one was a pain the in the ass at first I just couldn't seem to do it at all at first but I don't think I was stopping long enough for it to register


@Aya-Kun Yup... still didn't get that one.  Need to get back into this game.  I fell off of it for awhile.  I'm going to platinum the game.

Anyone else get this and playing through it?  I have the MP achievements I need to complete... maybe we can all complete them or help each other to acquire those trophies.


i'm terrible at the game but i'll play. I've got about 14 minutes of play time out of this thing since i bought it.


Quote from: BLUEVOODU on May 22, 2018, 10:37:17 PM
@Aya-Kun Yup... still didn't get that one.  Need to get back into this game.  I fell off of it for awhile.  I'm going to platinum the game.

Anyone else get this and playing through it?  I have the MP achievements I need to complete... maybe we can all complete them or help each other to acquire those trophies.

Ya I didn't play it for a while I've done quite a few of the online ones now, recently gone back to it as me and a couple of friends have been doing the challenges. Annoyingly though we ran out of the group of 3 challenges stupid that there is 500 challenges but they all depend on how many in the group

Its a shame I'm in a different time zone to most probably all XD


@Aya-Kun - have you totally dropped off this game?  I need to get back into it and 100% complete it.   I fell off all gaming since May - a lot of life stuff had to be completed.... most of those tasks are complete - just 2 last hurdles to accomplish and then there will be more game time.

@targetrasp what about you?  are you still playing... you and your game ADD lol.


its been turned on twice maybe. My free time has been focused on Zelda... and one odd night of Viva Pinata on the Rare Replay

Bomber Man

It's really fun, and it's like the original. Is it just me or does the game seems smoother, and better looking than the original? I also like that they changed the loading from orange to blue.

Question: Is there any new car? Just wondering.
The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma...


@Bomber Man There are no new cars or content in the game.  It's just a remastered version of the Burnout Paradise for the Playstation 3.

Speaking of this... I need to get the online achievements still.  I want to platinum this game.