Splatoon 2 - Nintendo Switch - Finally bought this Game

Started by BLUEVOODU, March 31, 2018, 12:09:44 AM

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This game is one of the main reason I bought a Nintendo Switch.   Splatoon 2 is every bit as fun on the Switch as it is on the Nintendo Wii U.

There are a few new mini games, colors are a bit different... new weapons, you can level up more... and it is an awesome portable title.  My 1st time playing Multiplayer match on the switch, I ended fragging 7-8 players and we won.  A little surprising that was.

Who else has Splatoon 2?   post up your thoughts / comments.   If many other members have it, we should try to plan a game night.


Does anyone else have this?

It is one of my favorite games for the Switch.

Splatfest just finished... it was a lot of fun. Did anyone else participate?


Parker has had it since launch, it didn't get nearly the play the first did.



my switch time has been very limited, in fact all I've spent any real time on has been Zelda. I have had limited time on Mario / Rabbids, Starlink, and Golfstory.


Outside of Super Smash Bros, Splatoon has most of my time.  Such a fun game IMO.

Bomberman R is pretty fun as well!  My son played a ton of Mario Odyssey.  I played it for awhile... it's definitely cool.  I just don't find myself playing a lot of platformers right now.  I don't know why because historically I like them a lot.

I still want to get Zelda.  Flashback was fun... and there's a few cool shmups and Neo Geo games too on the shop.


Parker has started to pick up Splatoon 2 again. I think it's a pallete cleanser after some bad fortnight rounds.