Sega's Financial Report Reveals Slump in Sales - NintendoLife

Started by BLUEVOODU, September 16, 2018, 03:58:57 PM

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I meant to post this awhile back... It's an interesting read, but nothing surprising.

SEGA's Latest Financial Report Reveals Slump In Sales -

This is a pretty general statement:
QuoteThis follows a first quarter where sales and profits across the board have generally slowed for the Japanese company.

Sega is holding on.... that's good.  Thoughts?  Comments? Post it up!


Sega's IPs just don't seem to have held up as well. Compare Sonic and Mario. Both the cornerstone of their respective companies. Mario has branched out successfully, Sonic not so much. Sonic is a one trick hedgehog.

A lot of their games appeal to a limited group of gamers. Total War and the Valkyria games are a perfect example. The biggest portion of their IPs are outdated and constantly released in compilations.

Their arcade presence was killer, at least until the arcades started dieing.

Sega has been such a huge part of the video game landscape that I hate to see them flounder. A turn-around doesn't look promising, but I'd love to see it.

retro junkie

It is sad. The Genesis was my first home console. I have a special love for Sega. And I would always purchase Sega consoles and add-ons. It seems that Sega has been in retreat ever since the decline of the arcades and their loss in the hardware wars. They quickly gave up the Dreamcast so easily. They lost their iron and never turned back around. That company needs to find their way again.
there is no spoon


It is sad... we need more competition out there and Sega has many good IPs.  Are those IPs relevant today?  It depends I suppose... depends on how the games and characters are developed.

While this is just a blip on the map - Hopefully they keep moving forward.  It would be cool to see new Innovation from Sega.  It would also be cool to see a US release of Switch Phantasy Star Online  ;D  I'd pre-order it now.