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Analogue's Mega NT

Started by targetrasp, November 09, 2018, 11:14:25 PM

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I really want to grab Analogue's Nintendo and Super Nintendo models but the snes and nes classics were enough... This will by my first Analogue console because there's nothing else close. At games eat your heart out!

retro junkie

From day one, when I heard, I so want this. The Genesis was my first actual home console. I have more Genesis carts than any other system. I have the consoles, so I ask myself, why do I need this? I have successfully ignored myself, so far. I am going to, have to, start getting serious and begin laying back some money for this one. If they succeed in giving 32X support, it will be an amazing piece of hardware worthy of being in my possession.  Lowering the price of the wireless controller by going to a different technology, stroke of genius on somebody's part. Should have thought of this for the SNES. I will be loving that controller. I wish these people success. They are good for retro.
there is no spoon


This looks pretty cool... and their showing of GUnstar Heroes really makes me want to play that game again.  I had it on Virtual Console I believe on the Wii?  I haven't played it since then. 

It looks like the 32X won't work with it right off the bat... but there are adapters for Sega Master System and it appears for Sega CD as well?  That sounds pretty cool.


yeah but who's got a working sega cd anymore, not I.

It's sad, I learned to fix them after I got rid of my bum one.


well. anymore?  Not sure who has an original Sega CD.   I had a couple go through the shop, but they were a bit rare.  I bet @retro junkie would be our best bet these days if anyone had one LOL.

Definitely a cool piece... it makes me want to buy one.   I've had a bit of the Rambo 3 and General Chaos itch lately  ;D


retro's died. my tower of power was eBay fodder during my gear-brained era... I've been searching far and wide for another add on but I've come up short. I refuse to pay eBay prices. I still have a working CDX that I promised myself if I ever found I'd never sell, and it's still here!

retro junkie

My Sega CD died a long time ago. I am a cart based gamer. Love cart gaming. So when it comes to moving parts I just could not pull the trigger on another Sega CD at the prices that they were asking on ebay. Especially with the fear I was buying into another failure at some point. So I sold off my Sega CD collection and never looked back. Made some good money.
there is no spoon


there's still a few titles I wish I had, dragons lair, final fight, sonic cd, popful mail, shining force, lunar, vay, but there really wasn't a lot for it.

retro junkie

I had Final Fight complete boxed, Popful Mail, Keio Flying Squadon, Robo Aleste, and a bunch of other games, can't remember them all.
there is no spoon


I Completely forgot about Popful Mail.  I remember back when I owned my store... some one gave me a list and Popful Mail was on there.  I never heard of it at that point. IF you hear "Popful Mail..." your next question has to be "what the what is that?!"

Final Fight CD... I had one of these come across as well.  At the time, I didn't have a test Sega CD to play it.  Sad face.. I really wanted to try it out.  MAybe we need a topic on this one...   Was it better than Final Fight on the Super Nintendo?


the cd part made for better music and some actual voice work.

the only other thing I remember was you could play with all three characters on the sega cd version. Maybe the stages were a little better...

cd did a lot of trickery to make games look a lot better... remember Silpheed? The Polygon shooter that looked awesome until you figured out the backgrounds were just streamed from the cd. it was essentially cheap green screen trickery. The level was moving in the background while your ship stayed in the same square.


Quote from: targetrasp on November 13, 2018, 11:52:13 PM
cd did a lot of trickery to make games look a lot better... remember Silpheed? The Polygon shooter that looked awesome until you figured out the backgrounds were just streamed from the cd. it was essentially cheap green screen trickery. The level was moving in the background while your ship stayed in the same square.
Man...I guess I forgot this.   That's pretty crazy they were able to pull it off.  It makes sense though... a lot of the 3DO and SEGA CD games of the time (even some Saturn) had that look like the characters were fighting in front of a green screen... or other action was in front of a green screen.


it was sooo innovative back then, now kids with youtube channels are more creative.