Apple to Charge $1000 for their Monitor Stand!

Started by BLUEVOODU, June 06, 2019, 11:26:54 PM

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This is not super new news... but I Thought it was ridiculous.   The monitor itself has pretty nice specs....... for $4999.  THEN the monitor STANDA costs $999... the Vesa mount alone is $199. Crazy.   I mean... that's gross even for Apple.

My favorite comment:
"Apple Charging $1000 for the stand for the new computer monitor!!  For the Stand.  At that price, the thing better be made of Vibranium straight from Wakanda courtesy of Stark Enterpirses."   LOL  :))

Thoughts?  Comments?  Post it up!

retro junkie

But the stand is top quality and the best stand ever.  :))
there is no spoon


LOL... ANNNDDDD... There is nothing else built into the stand.  It's just a high quality piece for your desk!

I want one made of Vibranium...  please...  That would be cool..  Then again, I don't think I would waste Vibranium on a monitor stand unless it gave some additional awesome properties somehow.

retro junkie

You would think that the monitor stand to be a standard piece of equipment and not an accessory.  ::)
there is no spoon


The stand also allows Apple owners to look down among their less wealthy friends.  >:D


Many wealthy people aren't stupid.  They've been known to be frugal in many cases amongst other things.   This really is a stupid money decision.    At the very least, I'd opt for the VESA mount and save the money.  Yes, they could afford it.. but why?   I'd rather get an LG, ASUS, or other competitor model for well under the cost of the monitor (not to mention monitor and stand combo).

retro junkie

there is no spoon


LOL @retro junkie   lol.....

yeah... see.. that's the problem I have.  Apple made serious cash money while they had plants where they installed nets to catch employees because people were throwing themselves from the roof top due to horrible conditions.  That's just not right.

They "corrected" some of those things... but corrected is in quotes for a reason.   And their corrections really didn't add a lot of cost...

Greed.  I'm all for people making as much money as they can... but when you treat people as slaves in horrible conditions, that's not ok.