Mobile games to play with kids?

Started by AngelBob, July 09, 2019, 06:25:28 AM

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I didn't build this, but it's a spiral tower and glass duckie lol


I didn't make this either, one of the other guys in the realm made it but it's pretty cool lol


@AngelBob --> man... a long time passed.  We haven't seen you for awhile. I hope all is well.

Those are pretty cool.  I'll see if I Can post up a few of our examples.   I was going to show you our chicken idol (where we spawned in a TON of chickens) LOL...  but that was lost too  >:(   That was on the IOS Minecraft.  When they pushed one of their major updates to infinite... it required us to fully update the level.  It went missing after that.

Sounds like we need a Minecraft topic