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Binge-watching shows during the Corona-pocalype? Post it up

Started by BLUEVOODU, April 04, 2020, 03:32:34 PM

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retro junkie

I am finding that I am enjoying Star Trek: Enterprise a whole lot more than I did way back then during its original broadcast. Not sure if it is because I am older, hungry for some scifi, or what. It is not as bad as I remember. I am in the 4th season at the moment.
there is no spoon


The casting and acting were great, as are the connections to the other parts of the Star Trek universe.

However, the story arc of the "temporal cold war" just got convoluted.  I get the impression that writers add time travel when they run out of ideas to carry a story forward.


Caught up on Blacklist. Restarted Designated Survivor after watching part of Season 1 a couple years ago. Watched WestWorld (highly recommend). Catching up on Star Trek: Discovery and watched Star Trek Picard. Watched Ozark, Altered Carbon, Last Ship, Travelers, The Expanse.  Schitt's Creek was a pretty good comedy, too.


@CreepinDeth - I need to check out a couple of those.

@Grindspine legend of Korra and avatar are awesome.... I dig those a lot.

We are going to start watching Star Trek Enterprise next.  We finished 30 rock ... and something else... can't remember now lol.

@mastermario - what is Schitt's creek?? Lol...

@AngelBob what is IT crowd?  We haven't heard from you in awhile!

retro junkie

@BLUEVOODU i thought Star Trek: Enterprise was good up until the last season. The stories in the last season were two and three episodes long. It was frustrating because I am so used to the world being saved in 40 minutes. I couldn't believe they did that. And I did not like how they ended it, it was so abrupt. The whole season seemed like they had these ideas and they knew that this was the last season. Let's just throw a lot of these ideas together and do them. It would have been better if they had planned two more seasons.
there is no spoon



Welcome @JR_McG - we are glad to have you back!  Feel free to post up in any topics.  If you discord, join up on our discord...  and you can use that as well to login.  If you want to mention someone, just use @name. 

Btw ... we have watched parks n rec 3 times over.  Such a good show.  Good choice!   


Quote from: BLUEVOODU on September 01, 2020, 10:59:49 PM
@mastermario - what is Schitt's creek?? Lol...

HILARIOUS comedy show with Eugene Levy and his son along with the mom from Home Alone. 6 seasons and the show just ended. Basically it's about a rich family that lost all their money for whatever reason and they had to move to a town in the middle of nowhere called Schitt's Creek. They'd bought the town years ago as a joke and now it's like their only asset haha.

The city of Schitt's Creek is named after their mayor, Roland Schitt, who is married to Jocelyn Schitt lmao.


@mastermario lol.... That sounds funny. We will have to check it out. 

We watched almost all fo Eureka...  it was a decent series. 

We have been rewatching Parks n Recs AND Psych again. 


Well... we just finished Eureka - it was ok.. definitely humorous in many spots.  We might need to view it again.

Trying to figure out what's next... maybe it will be Star Trek


I'm TVed out now! I've managed to watch everything I wanted to see on Prime, Netflix, and Disney+ at least watched enough to where I'm tired of watching and I cant find something to get into.


Started watching Lovecraft Country on HBO. Only 1 episode in but it's great so far.

I'm also on the last season of Korra. Next up is a Hulu original called Pen15. It is absolutely hysterical. It's about these two girls going through middle school/high school. If you've gone to school in the late '90's/early 2000's, this show will probably trigger some nostalgia. I definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a comedy.


@targetrasp lol... IF YOU ARE DONE... you need to go back and watch all seasons of X-Files again... back-to-back.   It's about time to do that again.   I've done it a few times over all the years while studying and doing other things while the episodes have been on.

We started watching a few of the monk, Eureka, and Psych episodes again.  Of course... parks n recs.   Especially after crazy days but have studying to do and what not.  I'm trying to accomplish 5-6 more certifications.  I am 6 more IT certifications completed now (4 AWS - I acquired all Associate certification and cloud practitioner, and 2 Linux).   To come... 3 more AWS, Red Hat, Ansible, and another.  So.. we tend to repeat certain shows.

It really is time to catch up on Star Trek though... I keep saying that... but it's time.

@CreepinDeth -- I am not familiar with what that is... what's the show about?

@AngelBob @Kinikko --> it's been awhile since we heard from you.  What are you binge watching?


I've started watching x-files at least a dozen times but flame out.

I really dig those early 90's show but i always end up flaming out. I'll get a season or two in, not watch for a long time, forget where i was and really not want to start over but not spend the time trying to figure out where i left off. Star Trek TNG, X-files, Millenium, The Simpsons, Brisco County Jr, Parker Lewis Can't Loose, Saved By the Bell, Beavis and Butthead, are just some of the few i've spaced on.

X-files is probably the only one on that list I've not seen every episode of (there may be a TNG or two) so it's on the top of the queue for sure.


@targetrasp I have probably watched X-files all the way through 3 times.   the 1st time, I Was studying and doing a lot of stuff through college while binging them in the background.   There are so many good episodes.

I need to watch the Mandalorian... and more Star Trek.  We haven't finished Star Trek (mentioned before).


Mandalorian is definitely worth checking out. It's just a fun show. Even though Baby Yoda is all over the place outside of the show, in the actual show he doesn't have a ton of screen time.

Jon Favreau not only kick-started the Marvel Universe but has now revived the Star Wars universe.


The Mandolorian, Star Wars: Clone Wars, Supernatural, and Blood+ have all been watched this year.
