Raiden V - Playstation 4 - Anyone played it?

Started by BLUEVOODU, February 27, 2018, 11:13:11 AM

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I loved Playing Raiden in the Arcade... some of the Console ports didn't cut it though.  Others were really good (more so on future consoles Gamecube and later).

Has anyone played this yet?  I ended up buying it from Amazon on sale - because.   Yes... because :D  I broke my no buying rule... but I needed this game lol. 

It looks like a very good game based on user reviews and site reviews.  It appears to play well...etc.

Post it up!


Raiden 3 was on steam for a buck or two during the winter sale so i'm a few iterations behind.

With a backlog that's now the majority of my collection I can wait till steam sales 2024 to buy it on the cheap!


lol... Buzzkill.

Now the buyers remorse is setting in... Can't return it.  It's already on its way!   

Oh well... I will play it this weekend and post up a small review.  This one should be a lot of fun :D It's really been awhile.  I should break it out on the Atari Jaguar as well ... well... Turbo Grafx 16 had the best version of the classics if I am remembering right.


Raiden V looks a lot better. Coop may be worth the price of admission. 3 on steam seems slow, 5 seems like its got a nicer pacing.


YEs - That was the best part - It the videos showed the pace of the game was just right.   Hopefully that is the case when I get it hands on and start playing through Raiden V.

Games can very easily be ruined with the wrong pace.


Well... this game arrived and........

I haven't it yet LOL.  I hope to try it out tonight!  If tomorrow.   

But I don't want to adult anymore...


OK - so I started playing this game.  The motion back and forth  - IE the flying of the aircraft - is still a bit slower than I like.  It takes a bit too long to traverse the screen left to right.   

With that said, the soundtrack is pretty good... I dig it quite a bit.  The copy purchased came with the soundtrack.  There is another version out there without the soundtrack.

Graphics are great.  The power up "cycle" is everything you'd expect from a Raiden game.

I'll write more as I continue to progress through the game.