Mass Effect Legendary Edition - PlayStation 4

Started by BLUEVOODU, May 14, 2021, 05:40:28 PM

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Mass Effect games have been a bit hit and miss with me.  I've really liked some of the games, and have not liked some of the other.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition - PlayStation 4 -

The Xbox One and PC versions are also at the link.

Have you been keeping an eye on the ass Effect Legendary Edition for the PlayStation 4?   If so... what are you looking forward to in this game?  I haven't been keeping up with games over the last few months due to work and family stuff going on at this time.   I'm curious what others think.

Thoughts, Comments... post it up!


I've been wanting to replay the mass effect games for a while now. I even bought the mass effect trilogy for the 360 near release (which seems a decade ago) and has been on my backlog ever since.

I preordered the legendary set and received it this past weekend. I spent a good 12 hours playing the first one. I typically don't have huge chunks of time to sink into an RPG but Bioware, especially KOTOR, Jade Empire, and Mass Effect really get me. It's been about 14 years since the first one came out but this doesn't feel old to me.

The only changes I've noticed (outside of the graphics) in the first one is they've tweaked some of the mundane driving stuff (still a little mundane, but better) and made those long elevator rides skippable. supposedly the DLC is also there but I don't remember enough from 14 years ago to be able to speak to any difference.

Outside of warzone, This will likely be all i play until i complete it. Mass Effect is easily a top 10 all time for me.