Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening - Nintendo Switch - Pre-order

Started by BLUEVOODU, July 12, 2019, 10:42:43 PM

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I'm pretty excited for this title.  It appears to be a re-imagined Link's Awakening.   I never did play much of the NES version... and I'm wondering if they're going to expand on it... or stick to the original story line.  I haven't reviewed a TON of the information out there yet.

It comes out September 20, 2019.

  • As Link, explore a reimagined Koholint Island and collect instruments to awaken the Wind Fish to find a way home
  • Explore numerous dungeons, riddled with tricks, traps, and enemies, including some from the Super Mario series
  • Meet and interact with unique locals to get help on your adventure
  • Listen to a reawakened soundtrack that helps bring life to Koholint Island
  • Earn Chambers (Dungeon Rooms) and arrange them to complete objectives in the all-new Chamber Dungeon.

Link to Amazon.com product:
Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening - Nintendo Switch - Amazon.com

There's a cool Special Edition with a sweet art book... but It doesn't appear to be available at this time and not sure when it will be available for pre-order.  Hopefully it's not already sold out.  I'm a sucker for some of this stuff in the Zelda Realm. I
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening: Dreamer Edition - Nintendo Switch - Amazon.com

I think this will be a cool title... I have nearly all main release Zelda games (not CD-I titles)... and Breath of the Wild yet.  I might need to pick that up as well.

Thoughts?  Comments?  Post it up!


I bought this as one of the few Switch games for the library when Renee bought the Switch OLED Fall of '22. I was trying to play through Breath of the Wild first, taking that as more of a serious game and this more of a port from the old GameBoy version.

It turns out that Link's Awakening feels a lot more like a Legend of Zelda game to me. It is a lot closer to the vein of the original Legend of Zelda (NES) or Zelda III: A Link to the Past (SNES). It certainly has shinier graphics (very nice 3d effect trees and water) than the old-school games, but still suffers from momentary slowdown on some map boards.

Two of the boss fights were obnoxiously challenging (the Armos knight and the final Nightmare bosses), but overall the game was only moderately challenging in terms of difficulty. A few of the dungeons had some great puzzle-solving too.

Although this game didn't hold quite the epic adventure feeling of the original LoZ or A Link to the Past, and wasn't exactly a trip to Hyrule, I would still way it was a fun Zelda game jaunt.

Overall 8/10 for gameplay experience. It's worth getting if you're a fan of Zelda style adventure games.

I would be remiss without mentioning the last game I played in this genre, Hob. Hob is a pretty great adventure game available on Steam, which has a pretty similar feeling of adventure and exploration, though clearly not a Zelda game.


@Grindspine good review and read!  I bought this game close to launch... and I hate to admit, it's still sealed.  ;D

I think we will open it and give it a shot. I have so many unopened games right now in the back log. 

Awesome post and review... time to crack this one open.


I still haven't even opened Majora's Mask on the 3DSXL. That is another that I really need to go back and play!


Quote from: Grindspine on April 30, 2023, 11:34:42 PMI still haven't even opened Majora's Mask on the 3DSXL. That is another that I really need to go back and play!
@Grindspine  --> lol... I'm in the same boat.  Though... I did play it a lot for the N64 back in the day.  Majora's Mask is a really awesome game.  You should break it out.