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Official Recent Game Happenings / Progress Thread

Started by BLUEVOODU, March 02, 2018, 12:21:22 AM

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Mai Valentine

I finally got around to playing The Last of Us (with the sequel coming soon). I just got to part where there's a clicker and a bunch of regular zombies and I keep dying to the clicker so I took a break. I'm still fairly early in the game, maybe like an hour or two in.


Started playing Jurassic World Evolution.  So far it's pretty good but very frustrating at times.  I got it on PS4 but maybe it'll be a bit better on PC.

Quote from: Mai Valentine on June 12, 2018, 07:39:24 PM
I finally got around to playing The Last of Us (with the sequel coming soon). I just got to part where there's a clicker and a bunch of regular zombies and I keep dying to the clicker so I took a break. I'm still fairly early in the game, maybe like an hour or two in.

Clickers are the worst.  I literally stopped playing that game twice in two different spots just because of them.  >_> 


Quote from: BLUEVOODU on June 10, 2018, 10:14:45 PM

@mastermario @SpartanEvolved I'm still considering overwatch.

Ask @SpartanEvolved about it, he just got one of our friends a newegg discount to buy it for $25 a couple of days ago.

retro junkie

I've been playing Fire Emblem Warriors on my 3DS. Love the hack in slash style gameplay. Love wading into a crowd of those joy boys and creating havoc knocking everyone into the air. I am presently half way through the game. Started playing during the 4th of July Holidays.
there is no spoon


@retro junkie How does that stack against other Fire Emblems?  Might be cool to have a Fire Emblem topic.

I've been somewhat absent from gaming lately.  I've played a few rounds of FortNite.

FINALLY made decent progress in Raiden V for the PS4.  I beat the game... and now have 33-43% of all trophies (don't remember the number).   I'm going to create an updated topic on this game.  It's a lot of fun - if you like the top scroller style shooter (Shmups).  I also beat the game with all S routes.

retro junkie

Quote from: BLUEVOODU on July 18, 2018, 05:29:43 PM
@retro junkie How does that stack against other Fire Emblems?  Might be cool to have a Fire Emblem topic.

It is basically built around the over-the-top-powerful Dynasty Warriors-style moves in its battle system. It is still RPG underneath with the strategy. I would have to go back a way to recall any Fire Emblem game I've played, might have been GBA. My memory is foggy. I go for the hack in slash of Dynasty Warriors gameplay so I am thrilled with it. Diehard Fire Emblem purist might be put off.
there is no spoon


I made more progress in Raiden V.    I rage quit last night though... hard.   I was last stage... and was going to get the achievement for using the same main gun the entire run.     NOPE....    I ran into a lot of fire... took the hits to miss the main weapon power up... but it happened to slide down my way as my craft spun... and I got the power up JUST AS IT TURNED RED FROM PURPLE.   So many rages, precious.

@retro junkie I think that sounds pretty interesting... wish I had a bit more time to try some of these games.

Anyone else make progress on games?   @Baker_Beezy @Strubes @targetrasp @Mai Valentine @Polygon @Aya-Kun ?


the only thing I've had time for has been stupid cell phone word games or 99 cent steam games, 5 minutes here, elevator ride there, etc.

I did manage to play at least 5 minutes of everything on the NES classic when I first got it earlier this month


Still Overwatch, almost every night. Starting to get back into Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst as well (cough cough @BLUEVOODU)


I've been kind of ADD with games lately.  Playing a little bit of No Man's Sky since they just released a big update.  Also picked up a copy of Octopath Traveler and been playing that off and on.  Been also trying to find a 3DS game to play on my new 3DS and settled with Fire Emblem Birthright for a little bit. 

Mai Valentine

I finished the main story of Tales of Zestiria. Now I'm playing the Alisha's Story DLC, which is set just after the ending of Zestiria.


I haven't had time to play anything substantially lately, but I did start playing Sonic Mania finally and the nostalgia is killing me. I really like how they managed to make it feel like a true continuation of the 16 bit games without making it a carbon copy.


I started Zelda Breath of the Wild over again. I wasn't far in it but I quit playing a while ago and couldn't remember much of what I did. I knocked out three of the shrines on the great plateau earlier today.

Its such a great game I can't believe I never finished it.


Finished my first play through of Detroit: Become Human.  Now doing a second one for like the opposite decisions I did the first time, then plan on cleaning up trophies I don't get from this one. 


I've been playing Guacamelee 2 with a couple friends. The humor is amazing and the combat is top notch.


@Mai Valentine - The Last of Us is so good. @SpartanEvolved and I used to play the online back on Ps3.  It was pretty cool.  We definitely need a Last Of Us topic at some point.

@Strubes I have that game... I just haven't played it yet.  It looks to be a blast.  I have the 1st game too... can't say I've broke 2 min on it.  Gaming ADD hits hard....

LOL... hoping to get a few rounds of PSO with @mastermario (cough cough).  Hoping to install tonight.

@targetrasp ... I need Breath of the Wild.  I need more time 1st... but this is very high up on my list to buy.  The wants... the wants.  Surprised we don't have a Breath of the Wild topic.


@BLUEVOODU , I know gamer ADD all too well. But playing the first one before definitely helps out!


Thank you for the heads up @Strubes

Progress.   We made a bit of progress in Super Smash Bros for the Wii U..  Played the game through a few times and have several of the completion trophies.  Playing it through with duck hunt...  was a bit challenging lol.  We definitely need a Super smash Bros Wii u topic.

retro junkie

Spent some time today with Nemesis on my Gameboy Pocket.

I have picked up Diablo 3 for the PS3, but seemingly I have not had time to play it. I have had it now for over a month. Purchased it because of the conversations in a thread around here.
there is no spoon


OO..... Diablo 3 on the PS3 is pretty good.  Outside the PC version, I'll get the Switch version.

I'd really like to get everyone playing.  The last few times I've tried... I  have stuff happen where I cannot play.  This should all pan out in the next month.

I made more progress in Super Bomberman R on the switch.  It's a really fun game.


Still paying lots of Overwatch. Got Mario Kart for the Switch recently. Seems kinda easy (even after turning off the "don't leave the road" mode). I haven't really played a Mario Kart game in a while but I wish there was a better 1-player mode....looking at you, Diddy Kong Racing.


I've been playing a ton of Dragon Questions XI and Rocket League now that the Rocket Pass is out! They're both keeping me busy till Spider-man tonight!


I think I'm buying Overwatch @mastermario

@Strubes Dragon Quest look interesting.   I have Spider-Man installed and ready to go lol... meant to play over the weekend.
ChickenDinnerGaming - Spider-man topic

SO... I made progress in Spider-man by installing the game LOL.  I also made some more progress in Defense Grid.


I'm entering the last mission in Spider-man. This game is MUCH longer than I was anticipating. The story has been fantastic. It let's you know when you're going to enter the last mission so you can upgrade beforehand which I think is really nice.

Also been putting a lot of time into the Rocket Pass on Rocket League.


@Polygon - I'm looking into Sonic Mania... I've been jonesing for the games since you mentioned it.  Still playing it?

@Strubes Did they add anything new to Rocket League?  I've had this game since the Steam controller came out.   I can count on 1 hand how many times I've played it.   The game is a lot of fun though... looks like we need a Rocket League topic.

retro junkie

Okay! Got it today and playing.  ;) Just call me distracted from playing anything else right now.

I can't be playing this! I got to get back to Star Ocean, just a minute..... one more minute.  ::)

This is so brutal. I've died several times now.
there is no spoon


NES FFVII?  I'm so confused.   o.o

Playing a bit of Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate on mah switch.  Got through the boring 1* tutorial quests. XD


@retro junkie lol - I had the same reaction as @Kinikko and had to look up the game.  Lol wth is this game?!

That's interesting - Demaking a game is a thing lol. At last that's what they call it.   It looks good on your handheld NES - 8 bit boy. Nice screen.   

retro junkie

Someone for some insane reason took the Final Fantasy 7 PS1 game and made it into an RPG originally for the Famicom. This one that I am playing has the English patch. I think it was hacked from Final Fantasy games originally made for the NES. The neat part about it is that it contains the whole story of the Final Fantasy game. Graphics resemble the FF7 game also, as much as they can in an 8-bit sort of way. So far I have gotten past the point where we set the bomb in the reactor. The attacks are brutal. I have started to run from the ones that the game will let me.

there is no spoon


LOL... @retro junkie This is actually a cool thing.  I'm surprised and idea like this hasn't caught on more.  Seriously... More Demakes need to happen.

I also responded to this somewhere... but I Cannot find my post.  Losing my mind here...   ???

I made progress in Spiderman.  Very cool game.