Chicken Dinner Gaming Community

The Nexus => General Discussion => Topic started by: BLUEVOODU on February 22, 2023, 08:52:25 AM

Title: Happy Birthday Retrojunkie!
Post by: BLUEVOODU on February 22, 2023, 08:52:25 AM
Happy Birthday @retro junkie .  I hope it's a great one!  Also... enjoy your digital cake.  And also also.. I know you get some of the best birthday swag.  Don't forget to post up your birthday spoils  ;D  :happydance:
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Retrojunkie!
Post by: mastermario on February 22, 2023, 08:29:25 PM
Happy Birthday buddy!
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Retrojunkie!
Post by: Grindspine on February 22, 2023, 11:22:02 PM
Happy birdthday

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Retrojunkie!
Post by: retro junkie on February 23, 2023, 10:09:05 AM
My Wife and Daughter know how to spoil me. Got games for my birthday. What else is there? I am retired. Spent yesterday playing a sample of each one! And being that I worked 21 years for a Japanese company that I retired from, I know how to pronounce most of the names of these games. Like the first game listed is O-boc-kee. One game I forgot to include in the photo is Lego Jurassic Park for the Wii-U.
The first Famicom game is Obake no Q Tarou, then Hi no Tori Hououhen, and Shin Jinrui (Adventures of Dino Riki). The Gameboy game is Super Chinese Land, DS game is a jigsaw puzzle game in which you can take pictures with the built in camera for limitless jigsaw puzzles. The switch game is a fighter, love it, from what I have played. And the "mini gamebox" is a stick that you plug into your HDMI of an HD TV with two cordless controllers. It contains about 800 NES games in categories of shooter, sport, adventure, etc. I have been totally impressed by its performance. I was expecting jaggies in the graphics but there seems to be a smoothing effect that is not distracting. I have really been getting into NES games here lately. There is no nostalgia when it comes to the NES with me. I never had one back then. I have only come to know the NES in the last 15 years, or more, maybe? Simple addictive play, which is a winner with me. The "mini gamebox" would be a great college dorm room, or small apartment addition for game time. Easily stored in a drawer.
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Retrojunkie!
Post by: retro junkie on February 23, 2023, 10:09:47 AM
And thanks for the birthday wishes!!!
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Retrojunkie!
Post by: BLUEVOODU on February 27, 2023, 08:53:27 AM
@retro junkie That's pretty sweet!  You always have awesome Birthday spoils!
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Retrojunkie!
Post by: CreepinDeth on February 27, 2023, 11:29:40 PM
Happy belated Birthday!

That's a great haul there!