We all remember the original topic: WEREWOLF by Night (https://www.chickendinnergaming.com/forum/index.php/topic,1000.msg7253.html#msg7253) created by
@retro junkie Now we have Werewolf by Night in color... which is pretty much the same thing in color. However, I didn't look at them side-by-side (or within a close-enough) time frame to see if there are ANY differences. I didn't look it up either. This was a fun dive back into a fun movie from 2022... and I enjoyed the view.
Has anyone else watched this? Are you planning to?
thoughts, Comments... post it up!
@BLUEVOODUSorry, I view the idea of putting color to that short piece as blasphemy. And my Daughter and I refuse to watch it in color. Our very conversation when we saw it put up on Disney+ was, "How come Disney continues to destroy their own stuff." "Did someone complain?" "What is wrong with these people?" We were offended by the very concept. I guess I consider the black & white aspect of the work a part of the artistic makeup of the total work, sort-of like the old Wizard of Oz movie. And it was enjoyable with it being like that.
Sorry, I refuse to watch it in color. :happydance:
lol no shame here,
@retro junkie.
You should watch it. (https://media.tenor.com/7EttrztgjiAAAAAC/palpatine-star-wars.gif)