Chicken Dinner Gaming Community

The Nexus => General Discussion => Topic started by: BLUEVOODU on March 07, 2018, 11:47:46 AM

Title: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: BLUEVOODU on March 07, 2018, 11:47:46 AM
what is your preference?  These days - do you like having a physical copy ?  Do you like Digital Copies better and feel physical copies are a burden? 

It used to be the majority wanted the physical copy - Case, insert, CD, manual, cart...etc.  Since Steam as well as digital distribution has caught on (or pushed) more, have preferences changed?

There hasn't been a topic like this for awhile...  Post it up!
Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: Kinikko on March 07, 2018, 02:40:46 PM
I most definitely still prefer the physical copy, but my cousin (who is physically disabled) prefers digital so he doesn't have to change disks. 
Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: BLUEVOODU on March 07, 2018, 03:06:01 PM
Quote from: Kinikko on March 07, 2018, 02:40:46 PM
I most definitely still prefer the physical copy, but my cousin (who is physically disabled) prefers digital so he doesn't have to change disks.

You know... I never thought about that... that would be extraordinarily helpful in that situation.  Then they just have to worry about system storage lol... it's still not enough.  This comment brings a whole new perspective to the topic.
Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: mastermario on March 07, 2018, 09:15:54 PM
I would be 100% fine with everything being digital if I didn't have to fight storage space problems on my Xbone. Discs are a hassle for PC games these days if you're hard drive is big enough. My gaming laptop doesn't even have a DVD drive.
Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: CreepinDeth on March 07, 2018, 09:41:44 PM
Quote from: mastermario on March 07, 2018, 09:15:54 PM
I would be 100% fine with everything being digital if I didn't have to fight storage space problems on my Xbone. Discs are a hassle for PC games these days if you're hard drive is big enough. My gaming laptop doesn't even have a DVD drive.

External Hard Drives bro.

I prefer both. Digital for easy access, disc to preserve in case the hard drive fails or gets pulled from the digital store.
Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: retro junkie on March 07, 2018, 10:07:46 PM
To me, taking the cart and pushing it into the console is all a part of the experience. Holding it in my hand and feeling it with my fingers. Having the hardcopy also gives me the feeling that I own the game. It's mine. I feel that way about carts more so than I do about discs. I am kind of queasy when it comes to any of the CD based units. I feel that when they die at some point, it is over. Where as the carts have clones, even though they are so iffy.
I know that space is a problem, I know that all to well. I just like sometimes looking through my collection. Just having it in front of me gives me the mood, and I think, hey I haven't played this in a while.
Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: targetrasp on March 08, 2018, 08:04:43 AM
For the PC I'd rather have a digital copy. There seems to be little interest in vintage PC.

For console or handheld I absolutely want the disc or cart. For the money I have invested in these things, its nice to have a way to get something back, or in some cases to watch my investment appreciate. Plus I really like to collect.

I can't see or realize a secondary market for digital. I'm sure its possible, I just can't see it.

I want to be able to touch, restore, and display a physical collection. I'm confident digital will keep these gems working on newer hardware so for me its less about being able to play the game, and more about being a curator of a collection
Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: retro junkie on March 09, 2018, 08:59:07 PM
This is what it is like to want a physical copy. I just found out this week while on ebay that this game is selling for around $60. Many times what I paid for it some years ago. Love this Famicom game, fun shooter. It could increase in price a hundred fold, I still would not sell. This is my real copy of a great game.

This game is the first time I paid as much as $85 for a game. The cart, with the box and booklet sells for several times over that. When I saw this, I could not purchase it fast enough. Such a deal. Only 10,000 made and released. Another one of those great games that I love to play. It is my copy and I will never sell it.


Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: Mai Valentine on March 09, 2018, 09:52:23 PM
I still prefer the hard copy, mostly because at least part of the work is done already as far as how much info it has to download to install. Recently, trying to install FFXIV on my laptop, it would have been like 2 expansions worth of data to download, which was estimated at like 24 hours even with high speed internet.  :o But fortunately I had disc copies of all of them, so I only had to download the most recent updates, and it took a lot less time.
Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: BLUEVOODU on April 11, 2018, 12:44:29 AM
Quote from: retro junkie on March 09, 2018, 08:59:07 PM

This game is the first time I paid as much as $85 for a game. The cart, with the box and booklet sells for several times over that. When I saw this, I could not purchase it fast enough. Such a deal. Only 10,000 made and released. Another one of those great games that I love to play. It is my copy and I will never sell it.


@retro junkie AH... Bangai-o.... I bought that exact same game!  Good stuff... and fun. I had to buy the converter as well.

@Mai Valentine That's a ridiculous download...  I've had a few larger downloads.  Some of them (such as Titanfall PC) had a ridiculous transfer rate.    It's like they paid the ISP... or had a deal to open the pipe for the Titanfall download.  At the time... I received 4 times the normal download speed.  It was nice.
Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: Aya-Kun on April 11, 2018, 02:35:23 PM
Defiantly prefer physical copies, I really like my collectors editions even if I don't buy as many as I used.

Only really buy a digital copy of it if there is something on sale in the store that is pretty cheap and I don't mind but there is always a chance of buying a digital copy and not liking a game and then your stuck with it or its a game that you finish in a day at least a physical form I can sell it later
Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: Grindspine on April 18, 2018, 08:11:28 AM
Digital is better for quick access with little physical storage space and no disc scratches to worry about.

Physical is better if I want to sell a game.
Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: BLUEVOODU on April 27, 2018, 03:54:45 PM
Quote from: Aya-Kun on April 11, 2018, 02:35:23 PM
Defiantly prefer physical copies, I really like my collectors editions even if I don't buy as many as I used.

Only really buy a digital copy of it if there is something on sale in the store that is pretty cheap and I don't mind but there is always a chance of buying a digital copy and not liking a game and then your stuck with it or its a game that you finish in a day at least a physical form I can sell it later
@Aya-Kun I bought all the Diablo 3 and StarCraft 2 Special Editions.... Blizzard makes really cool boxes for the collectors editions as well.   I used to like limited and collectors editions more... but not so much as of late... just because they tend to have "digital" bonuses now.  I really like the STEEL BOOK  cases when they are offered... those are pretty cool.
Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: targetrasp on April 27, 2018, 09:57:20 PM
Steelbooks are where its at. no way i'm paying 149 for some insane collectors edition that I may or may not see at Walmart for 30 on clearance (found a few of the halo games like this) Steelbooks just look cool and don't carry as hefty a price tag.
Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: Aya-Kun on April 28, 2018, 03:40:45 PM
I really do love stealbooks especially ally assassins creed ones

Only annoying thing is when there is a stealbook I really want but its only in a big collectors edition, luckily I've managed to get some of them afterwards that people are selling
Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: Jack on May 03, 2018, 07:46:35 PM
I will always be a sucker for physical copies.
Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: SpartanEvolved on May 03, 2018, 10:53:02 PM
I only buy digital copies these days- physical copies are just a hassle.
Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: BLUEVOODU on November 20, 2018, 04:22:47 PM
As @targetrasp and @Aya-Kun mentioned... Steel Books are where it's at.  There have been quite a few cool Steel Books made, but one of my favorite still is the Shadow of the Tomb Raider - PlayStation 4 and Xbox One - STEELBOOK (  Follow that link to see it.  I Will post up my images at some point of the steel book... cool stuff though. 

I have to agree with @Mai Valentine and everyone else... I prefer physical copies for everything.  However, after recently downsizing some stuff... I do see the appeal @Grindspine and @SpartanEvolved mentioned of having digital copies.  Less Storage .... is a good good thing.

Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: BLUEVOODU on November 21, 2018, 10:45:36 AM
Actually... what's worse.... is when you find an awesome collectors edition SteelBook... you get it... and it's dented / damaged but there are no copies left to buy and returning the game has challenges.  First World Problem... but that's my biggest peeve.

Double Post.. I know.
Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: CreepinDeth on November 21, 2018, 02:44:04 PM
Quote from: BLUEVOODU on November 21, 2018, 10:45:36 AM
Double Post.. I know.


I'm definitely more of a digital person than physical. I'll double dip on titles I want to keep past the life of the console
Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: BLUEVOODU on November 22, 2018, 10:10:38 PM
Quote from: CreepinDeth on November 21, 2018, 02:44:04 PM

LOL... Hey @CreepinDeth ...  ;D

I was more of a digital copy versus physical copy for the PlayStation Vita... UNTIL... I ran into a time where my system was offline for a bit and I didn't open a few digital games for awhile.   I couldn't play them until I connected.  There's something in the games that don't allow you to play them if you haven't been online in a certain number of days AND tried to connect to the game.  I get why they do it... but it sucks too.  I shouldn't have to ensure I'm trying to play a game every x days so it stays active on my system.
Title: Re: Do you prefer a Digital Copy OR the full Physical copy of a Game?
Post by: Mai Valentine on December 01, 2018, 10:51:14 PM
Oh you want to hear a great story about buying a steel book that I just remembered?

So the newest Final Fantasy Dissidia came out with a steel book, but there were three versions. The one I really wanted was the one with Lightning, but there was no way to tell what it was just looking at it. I bought a copy anyway, and totally lucked out with getting the one with Lightning.