I'll start this by being cheesy and saying that I remember when there wasn't even voice acting in games, but now I have no idea what it would be like without it.
Personally my #1 favorite voice actress is Ali Hillis, who does Lightning from any FFXIII related stuff, and was also the voice of Liara T'soni from the original Mass Effect trilogy. Last year I actually got to meet her in person and got her autograph.
I also love:
Jennifer Hale (femShep)
Matthew Mercer (McCree from Overwatch)
Kari Wahlgren (does a lot of stuff but my favorite is still Raine Sage from Tales of Symphonia)
That being said, who are some of your favorites?
Colleen Clinkenbeard - When I heard her voice in Boarderlands I thought it was about time. Sure, she'd been in a few others, mostly doing her DBZ characters but this girl is the queen of anime and barely tapped for video games...
Claudia Black - big farscape fan so she's another top for me.
Actors and Actresses :)
Ellen McLain - Voice of GlaDOS and ... Gypsey Danger AI - Pacific Rim. No one can forget GlaDOS.
Was Ali Hillis pretty cool? Meaning a down to Earth person? Where did you get to meet her in person. It's amazing how voice acting has developed... and those who do it become somewhat of a celebrity. Who originally would've thought voice acting would've lead to that? Maybe it was fairly obvious... though early on video game voice actors didn't fair as well (popularity wise) as those of more recent years.
We should create the opposite of this thread as well - cringe worthy voice actors / video game actors. Some of the early Command and Conquer acting would go well here. BUT to be fair... Video game Acting was something very new and had to start somewhere.
Ali Hillis is super nice! I met her at a local convention (Anime Weekend Atlanta). Most anime and game conventions now have signings like that. Usually you have to pay a fee, but that's fairly common now. She's very down to earth though. I mentioned that I had just finished playing World of Final Fantasy and how I loved chibi Lightning and we talked about that for a minute while she signed the artwork.
The next day she had an early panel, like 11 am, and it was the last day of the con so not that many people were there, and instead of sitting up on the stage, she brought the microphone down and sat close to the small group of us that was there in a more personal setting.
I got another autograph actually because that same day I waited to get one from Laura Bailey (she did Serah's voice in the FFXIII games) and once I got that, Ali's line was almost gone so I went back and had her sign the same artwork that Laura signed, and we talked about how there was a Final Fantasy concert at the con that day and how good the music was in the FFXIII series. Ali also mentioned that more Lightning was on the way, and at her earlier panel she had talked about Dissidia and the mobile games so I'm hoping she was referring to yet another new game.
I probably spent at least $70 just to see her but it was totally worth it.
Somewhat related but I have a video (http://sword0fstorms.tumblr.com/post/166022192761/voice-actor-panel-awa-2017-featuring-feodor-chin (http://sword0fstorms.tumblr.com/post/166022192761/voice-actor-panel-awa-2017-featuring-feodor-chin)) of Ali, Laura, Jennifer Hale, and Feodor Chin (the voice of Zenyatta from Overwatch) from a panel they did, too.
This year at Momocon there's a lot of voice actors I'm going to try and meet: Lucie Pohl (Mercy from Overwatch), Jen Cohn (Pharah from Overwatch), Crispin Freeman (Regal from Tales of Symphonia/Winston from Overwatch), and Kari Wahlgren (Raine from Tales of Symphonia).
That's really cool - very very cool. It's refreshing when actors remain down to Earth. I don't think there is a bigger turnoff than a bigger than mentality... well... there might be a couple others lol.
Sounds like it was an awesome experience overall
@Mai Valentine !