It's been a long time since I've broke out a joystick. I used to play Jane's flight simulators, X-wing and Tie Fighter Flight Simulators (very cool games... wish they would re-explore this concept), descent, and many other games. Now it seems like controllers have taken away from the joystick experience. Games these days are more developed for a controller... but some still are made for the joystick.
If you still use a joystick, what peripheral do you use (provide links)? What games do you still play with a joystick?
Post it up!
If this comes to fruition the joystick may be getting more love
Wow. Great find. I've not seen those yet.
So you'll get to play all old and new content made for the system. There's A LOT of old Atari content... both arcade and console. The article can't speak on specifics.. But this is very interesting! Peaks my interest.
I'd love to see a remake of alien versus predator - the Atari Jaguar version.
modern content is what I'm most interested in. Will it be like a steam machine or a home console? 0 games have been announced so who's developing? At this point it seems April is too soon for preorders to start
Quote from: targetrasp on March 25, 2018, 10:50:15 AM
modern content is what I'm most interested in. Will it be like a steam machine or a home console? 0 games have been announced so who's developing? At this point it seems April is too soon for preorders to start
I hear you. Somehow I doubt it'll hit April. I would think by now there would be teasers and trailers. Hopefully it's not just an emulator type thing for Atari and they develop my hat for that as well. For $300... it should be a full on console.
I'm pretty interested ... just depends on what they do. VCS - virtual console? No physical media? Lol hmm...
its supposedly going to run Linux so it'll be an insanely expensive emulation machine >:(
I'm still keeping my hopes up but I refuse to pay 300 for a raspberry pi that looks like a vcs
I still have my SFIV Arcade Sticks that I bust out when playing some Pac-Man or other arcade games. Especially SHMUPs.
Quote from: CreepinDeth on March 27, 2018, 01:15:07 AM
I still have my SFIV Arcade Sticks that I bust out when playing some Pac-Man or other arcade games. Especially SHMUPs.
Those are pretty cool arcade sticks as well. I miss a good arcade stick - I still have my Neo Geo controllers... but I haven't had a good solid Arcade controller / stick in a pretty long time. I think I still have my NES Advantage somewhere as well lol...
X-Arcade sticks were pretty popular back when I had my store... though I didn't buy one for myself... and not many really made it through my shop. Economic down turn really started around 2005-2006.... and people stopped spending money on that stuff... at least from what I saw.
@targetrasp Maybe I need to break out the Atari VCS discussion to it's own topic... Might make a new post and link to this post.