Just a heads up, to ward off spam bots for the future, I have captcha somewhat high. It's only on for registration and the 1st 2 posts. After that, it should loosen.
Please let me know if you see behavior other than this.
Just a reminder - Maybe we can relax this.
It was a pain dealing with the bots the last time... so far, no bots... though bots are visiting now. This includes the web crawlers..etc.
It's only frustrating because I have such poor vision that I can't really tell what the letters are. XD I gotta have it like say the letters to me to get it right.
Quote from: Kinikko on February 09, 2018, 02:12:11 AM
It's only frustrating because I have such poor vision that I can't really tell what the letters are. XD I gotta have it like say the letters to me to get it right.
Yeah... I understand that. Sucks we have to have some of these measures in place these days.
Dealing with the bot invasion on older SMF versions. That was no fun. Definitely trying to defend against that too AND trying to find the happy middle ground on this.
I'd do it 50 times if it meant keeping spam out...
ok maybe just 10, I've got a slight red / green colorblindness so I have to hear the phrase