Have any of you see Star Wars Theory on Youtube?
After I posted a video in Targetrasp's Star Wars post... I ran across this and thought it was rather interesting and convincing:
Snoke is Mace Windu - Star Wars Theory - Youtube.com (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xBRxofNI3Y)
Check this out... and post up your thought.
something like this needs to happen. I'm tired of there being no crazy big reveal. Everyone is so afraid that the internet is going to guess the twist before the writers write it they're writing NOTHING. Sure, a million will say "we saw it coming" but dang, it's better than Character A really isn't related to character B and character C from either the EU or the original trilogy isn't going to be in this year's flick.
Take a page from the Clone Wars or Star Wars Rebels cartoons. Thrawn and Asokah are awesome, use them.
Since Cannon has changed so much after the sale... They could do that. Although before the sale... Clone wars Animated was considered Cannon I thought, right? with Cannon changing ... it's hard to really solidify what is and isn't cannon. You have the "purists" stating - It was this was... so it will always be this way.... AND you have others stating "finally a direction... let's solidify this an cannon now."
Either way... This would be a very cool spin and makes a lot of sense.
More movies need to be made on the series... Not sure what to think of Solo right now, but somewhat looking forward to it.
Guess it really doesn't matter now....
Its really not worth theorizing because as soon as some really interesting theories start springing up they get squashed by the next movie. It's almost like JJ has a million interns combing the internet for theories and making sure none are included in the movies. We'll if they keep it up theres going to be nothing outside of Chewie having a love child with a porg that becomes the next Yoda dangit - I just ruiend it for us all!
@targetrasp ... not I forget... Did they actually kill this one off?
I mean... he's dead now... but Does that mean he couldn't have been mace?
sigh... that movie... It didn't stick in the brain.
luckily Netflix has it so you can review.
They've skipped out on the insane reveals and gone after the Super Sayin type force powers. Luke and friends v. Jabba's gang was badass - Luke v. First Order ... c'mon.
I'd much prefer less GOD MODE and more Luke - remember that night in the cantina 20 something years ago where you drank too much blue milk? Meet your Daughter Rey, who's been mind screwing her cousin... brings back memories of putting the moves on your sister eh? You skywalkers are all alike.
Quote from: targetrasp on March 19, 2018, 01:05:18 AM
Take a page from the Clone Wars or Star Wars Rebels cartoons. Thrawn and Asokah are awesome, use them.
So much yes! Ahsoka is my favorite Jedi.. almost jedi.. not really quite an almost once was retired jedi?
Quote from: Grindspine on August 12, 2018, 01:12:40 AM
So much yes! Ahsoka is my favorite Jedi.. almost jedi.. not really quite an almost once was retired jedi?
@Grindspine lol... not really quite an almost once was retired Jedi. You need a couple more describing words in there.
... I need to catch up on the Clone Wars. I'm totally out of that.
In Rebels, there is a scene where Maul refers to her, "Two Jedi and a .. part-timer".
It appears the Youtube poster has been cut-off... that somewhat sucks, but I don't know If they stole that video or the content? Or maybe something else happened... I Didn't look it up though.