Chicken Dinner Gaming Community

The Nexus => General Discussion => Topic started by: Kinikko on April 05, 2018, 06:24:59 PM

Title: My Knits!
Post by: Kinikko on April 05, 2018, 06:24:59 PM
Okay so... I knit and crochet.  XD  I just wanted a place to kinda show off some of my stuff.  ^-^

Link to my imgur folder (

Also, I have a question for you all. (
This one right here is my first one I've done.  Once I get a bit better I'd like to start selling them.  How much would you be willing to pay for one?  Just trying to get a general idea of how much they would be worth to people. 
Title: Re: My Knits!
Post by: mastermario on April 06, 2018, 01:23:07 AM
Wow, these are really good! Nice job.  :)

Regarding the pokeball, that's also really cool! I can't tell, did you fill it with something?  I don't want to undersell it because it's really good work...maybe $20-25?
Title: Re: My Knits!
Post by: Kinikko on April 06, 2018, 01:30:01 AM
Yeah it's filled with a polyester fiber like what's in pillows and other plushies. That first one in particular is done with knitting, and I just tried making one with crocheting today that I think looks quite a bit better and is a bit bigger. 

Edit:  Got a picture of it up.  (
Title: Re: My Knits!
Post by: BLUEVOODU on April 06, 2018, 05:36:53 PM
AH... those are cool.  Have you looked into sites like Ravely (  or Etsy (

I have a hard time coming up with prices on stuff like this because they take a good amount of time.  We have a local Art / Coffee shop that sells a lot of stuff like this.  I've seen stuff from $17.99 to $25... or more depending on design and intricacy.   Do you have local art stores / coffee shops like that?

The other idea is... once you have patterns, you can sell your patterns as well.  Some people fare better in the pattern category. 

The other thing to keep in mind these days -  selling anything under license can come with legal issues. Sticking with original designs is probably best - if you are looking to sell.
Title: Re: My Knits!
Post by: BLUEVOODU on April 10, 2018, 10:07:36 PM
@Kinikko Also for example.... you have the seal and Turtle... those are perfect example.  Did you make the templates?  IF so... find an artsy coffee shop is perfect for that.  Start a bit small... take some examples to those places... see if you get some feedback.

Have you checked into sites like Ravely (  or Etsy (
Title: Re: My Knits!
Post by: Kinikko on April 10, 2018, 10:34:53 PM
I looked into Etsy a long time ago for selling some other kinds of things, but it seems kinda difficult to get exposure and on Etsy you have to pay to actually list things whether they sell or not (at least that's how it was when I was looking into it a few years ago).
Title: Re: My Knits!
Post by: Kinikko on May 16, 2018, 12:51:18 AM
Just finished my first attempt at Dragon Scale Gloves.  :3 

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Title: Re: My Knits!
Post by: BLUEVOODU on May 17, 2018, 10:36:11 PM
Nice @Kinikko Those are pretty cool and creative.
Title: Re: My Knits!
Post by: CreepinDeth on May 18, 2018, 01:09:14 AM
These are awesome! I really like the turtle.  :)

As for prices, you want to see first how much it costs you in materials to make one and then figure out how long it takes as well and then give yourself an hourly rate or something similar. You then add those amounts together, that way you'll make a profit rather than lose money on them. Unless you enjoy just making them and having them available for anyone who wants to buy one. In that case, you can set a price that you feel is fair. Like $5 for example for a small item and $10-20 for the bigger items.