If you're a fan of the '80's Karate Kid trilogy, you'll absolutely love this show. Wow, this show is an absolute pleasure to watch. What I love about it is that it doesn't try to be like those older karate kid films. It's a well done continuation of the main characters and where they are now in life. I highly, highly recommend this show.
caveat - you do need a Youtube Red subscription to watch beyond episode 2. However, you can sign up for a free 7 day trial and binge it. Or if you have a Google Music subscription you get Youtube Red included.
34 years ago there was a dojo on every corner, in every strip mall... today there's 1 / 100,000 people (not including ymca)!
This could rejuvenate karate, someone could finally develop Kung Fu 2, AND give us another Jackie Chan movie....
Nah it's on YouTube Red... BUT it looks dang cool!
I really need to check this out, I loved the original karate kid.
I've actually heard a lot of good things about this so I'm tempted to try it out, just haven't had a chance yet.
It's such a solid show. It allows the characters to be much more fleshed out than a two hour movie. I'm almost done, just need one more episode.
Update: Just finished it tonight. Wow, this show delivered on all levels. I hope I'm not overhyping it but it's hard not to gush about this show. Hope more of you get to enjoy it as well.
I need to scope that out, everyone is going nuts over it!
A little late to the game on this one... this looks awesome... I'm going to check it out. Definitely one of the best trailers in a long time.
WHo else checked this out? Thanks for posting it
@CreepinDeth . I'll probably do the 7 day trial thing.
@MegaDrive20XX did you end up checking it out?