Any generation!
I think back to Champions of Norrath on the PS2! Loved that game.
To me, absolutely nothing is better than Gauntlet Legends and Gauntlet Dark Legacy. Those games are phenomenal and super fun to play with some buds.
@Strubes Ah man... anything Mario Party. Anything Bomberman... my favorite is Super Bomberman on the SNES... though Super Bomberman R is a pretty fun game as well. Bomberman 64... LOL... where you could throw your friends off the ledge in the grassy level. :))
New Super Mario Bros Wii made a GREAT Couch Coop game... if you didn't kill everyone in the room by the end of the night lol.
super Mario wii was awesome couch coop until someone got mad, at that ALWAYS happened. it was a much harder game with people
Agree with Mario Party. Loved playing the original Halo co-op. Jet Force Gemini and Perfect Dark on N64 were fun.
Quote from: Strubes on May 17, 2018, 01:08:34 PM
Any generation!
I think back to Champions of Norrath on the PS2! Loved that game.
Agreed on this. My wife and I played it a ton as I recall.
I'll say that most Mario games are included as well.
Co-op Gears of War was fun, too.