Do you just shop at 1 place? Do you use different services / Apps to scour the best price at multiple sites? Or do you shop multiple sites and price compare yourself?
What is your strategy? What do you do to find the best deals?
Post it up! Please provide details and links.
Netseller and TigerDirect was my go-to in the 90's. Once New Egg gained traction all sources became inferior. Its always good to check New Egg against Amazon factoring in shipping costs.
I've found during some of the bigger sales Best Buy annihalates all competetion. You may not get exactly what you're looking for but you can buy the entire computer at Best Buy then add that graphics card or ram or whatever else cheaper than building from scratch and get (at least close) to what you're trying to build.
Newegg/Amazon. Depends on who has the best price at the time I'm buying. I got my GTX 1080 at Best Buy and would do that if they have good prices and if I want instant gratification but they're not my first choice to check on supply. I used to have a Fry's near me when I lived in So Cal but now I have to drive over an hour just to get to one.
As for finding the best deals, I check out slick deals or gaming sites to see if any good stuff pops up.
Generally Amazon and Newegg for me. If I had Fry's or Micro Center, I would go there too. I usually go to PC Partpicker to check prices and occasionally I'll buy from other sites to get the best deal.