So I am admittedly not a big anime watcher, HOWEVER... my girlfriend is and she got me hooked on Attack on Titan. I can't really get into the more weeby animes but AOT on is so damn interesting and well put together. The story is so interesting, the characters so memorable, the music is so on point with the theme of the show. Does anybody else watch this amazing show?
@Jack - Maybe
@Grindspine has checked this out. He and his Lady like to watch certain Anime / animated films. I have not seen or heard anything on this. Maybe post a trailer from Youtube? I know he likes Ghost in the Shell too.
I definitely like the Studio Ghibli series... as well as others. I haven't had a lot of time to look into new Anime series. This one might be a cool one to look into.
Titles like AOT are gateway animes. I used to make fun of my friends that watched animes until I was made to sit down and watch Cowboy Bebop. Before that I'd seen some of the Ghibili stuff and Akira but wasn't interested. After I started liking Bebop, I started seeking out other titles. Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, One Piece, were next, followed by stuff like Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, and then some of the older stuff Ghost in the Shell, Akira (rewatched and enjoyed), and then whatever was on Netflix. After I started subscribing to Crunchyroll.
If you start with one of the big animes that translates well and is popular in the US and slowly branch out into the more obscure it's easier to digest and you actually learn a little bit. Anime has a lot of really solid writing. Heavy themes like love, friendship, honor, duty, and perseverance can really tug on the heart strings. Japanese folklore is pretty awesome too and finds its way into many of the animes.
There is some odd crap that doesn't translate well at all but the bigger titles help ease you into some of the colloquial stuff, slang, puns, double meanings, etc. that you'll eventually start to pick up on. To me its kinda like trying to jump into Monty Python. If you started with the Meaning of Life you'd never watch another one.