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The Nexus => General Discussion => Topic started by: targetrasp on October 29, 2018, 12:27:38 AM

Title: Skylanders
Post by: targetrasp on October 29, 2018, 12:27:38 AM
Anyone know where the flood of Skylanders crap went? Surely it's not all on eBay...

I have yet to see anything at a yard sale, thrift store, or goodwill. There's one used book store here that takes media and games in on trade that has a few from time to time but I've just not really seen these floating around in used condition.

Toys R Us kept a wall of these things. I bought tons for .60 - .99 cents during their closure.

I know these thigns sold well, just look at gamestops endless supply of the game and portal.
Title: Re: Skylanders
Post by: retro junkie on October 30, 2018, 05:43:39 PM
My daughter and I found a bag of them at Goodwill like at the first of Summer, half of them broken. But the only other place that we have found them is at our local Game Exchange. They sell right beside the Infinity Figures, $3 to $5 each.
Title: Re: Skylanders
Post by: targetrasp on October 30, 2018, 08:11:38 PM
I ask because the game seems dead. I'm not aware of any cult following and I know these toys got mass produced. I'd imagine $.50 - 1.00 per toys somewhere, but no, the cheapest I see these things is 3 each. Occasionally there're be a lot on eBay that translated to 2ish per unit.
Title: Re: Skylanders
Post by: BLUEVOODU on October 30, 2018, 08:12:12 PM
@targetrasp I haven't seen them anywhere.... maybe they were brought back and sold wholesale somewhere.... or they are wholesale in the smaller shops - if those shops truly exist anymore.  Does Gamestop still have the endless supply of the portal?

@retro junkie How were they broken?

Title: Re: Skylanders
Post by: targetrasp on October 30, 2018, 08:40:12 PM
There used to be a place near fort worth that was a big part of the secondary market for games... I'll bet with Gamestop HQed in Grapevine TX they've stopped or owned it by now.

My local one doesn't have the portals anymore (at least not on displace) now there's a million PS3 move controllers. It doesn't look like the portals are available online now either.

It seems like these things would be all over the place. Remember wii fit boards, and guitar hero controllers... EVERYWHERE. at one point I was buying balance boards for 2 - 5 each at thrift stores. Not so on the skylanders...

Sometimes it's decided to destroy the new old stock instead of letting it hit the secondary markets (ET, sega dreamcast, psx, ps2 games) I wonder if Skylanders have met the same fate?
Title: Re: Skylanders
Post by: retro junkie on October 30, 2018, 11:33:33 PM
Quote from: BLUEVOODU on October 30, 2018, 08:12:12 PM
@retro junkie How were they broken?

Broken arm, weapon, leg, head, etc.

I am sorry to see this, (should we call it a genre?), not sure, type of gaming vanish into thin air. At one time I was so hoping it would catch on. I don't mind downloadable content when I get a figure for the cash involved.  ;) I was so hoping for RPGs, Fighting games, etc would began to have figures with their own additional content added to a game. Not sure how Nintendo's amibos are doing. I know they seem to have disappeared locally from shelves also.

I really like the concept.
Title: Re: Skylanders
Post by: targetrasp on October 31, 2018, 07:54:45 AM
I can't get a handle on the amiibo situation. You don't see them in Walmart, gamestop, target, etc. much anymore.

I did see something about a treasure goblin amiibo which has made me seriously consider diablo 3 on the switch...

Title: Re: Skylanders
Post by: BLUEVOODU on October 31, 2018, 09:16:33 AM
Quote from: targetrasp on October 31, 2018, 07:54:45 AM
I did see something about a treasure goblin amiibo which has made me seriously consider diablo 3 on the switch...

OF COURSE the Goblin Amiibo makes you want to buy Diablo 3 ( on the switch...  LOL  :))

You should make a post on this Amiibo with Link.

I haven't noticed the AMIIBOs at all lately either... in fact, I Didn't even think about it until you all mentioned it.  That's strange.  They were everywhere 4 months ago.  I was at Gamestop to pick up Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Pro for the Playstation 4 ( and  I didn't see any there.

Now I'm curious... I wonder if our local Best Buy has any left.
Title: Re: Skylanders
Post by: targetrasp on November 01, 2018, 08:21:09 AM
last time I saw amiibos at best buy they were clearing out breath of the wild ones. I bought what I could, they were priced pretty low.

You'd think with Smash almost out nintendo would be milking that cash cow with all the amiibo adds... but all i see mentioned is samus and link, and it looks like rereleases
Title: Re: Skylanders
Post by: Bomber Man on November 05, 2018, 10:06:47 PM
There COULD be some at Game Stop.
Title: Re: Skylanders
Post by: targetrasp on November 05, 2018, 10:23:52 PM
I saw 2 Amiibos and a few skylanders at Gamestop over the weekend. all new in package. I'm just wondering where all the used ones are.
Title: Re: Skylanders
Post by: BLUEVOODU on November 06, 2018, 10:33:30 PM
Quote from: targetrasp on November 05, 2018, 10:23:52 PM
I saw 2 Amiibos and a few skylanders at Gamestop over the weekend. all new in package. I'm just wondering where all the used ones are.
1.) In the toilet... now in the sewer
2.)  Melted in fireplace
3.) collected is my best guess - collected for now. Many of them actually have really cool designs.  My guess is we won't see the used market inflate for a couple years at least.

It's cool you found some more.  I was at Target the other day... there were no Amiibos to be found.
Title: Re: Skylanders
Post by: targetrasp on November 07, 2018, 04:13:25 PM
i'm just waiting for these things to start hitting the yardsales and goodwill. eBay is full of them but it seems like eBay is now a museum. Everyone is throwing items out there for dang near retail prices.