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Console, Cloud and Handheld Gaming => Sony - PlayStation 5 (PS5), PlayStation 4 (PS4), PS Vita, and PlayStation 3 (PS3) => Topic started by: targetrasp on November 03, 2018, 12:27:43 PM

Title: Axiom Verge
Post by: targetrasp on November 03, 2018, 12:27:43 PM
I'd always heard really good things about this game but never tried it. Yesterday was rainy, I was bored, so I picked up a copy.

I'm really impressed with the game. Side by side, this game is better than Metroid. Metroid, having come first, gets the nod for creating the genre but this game really takes everything Metroid accomplished and turned it up to 11.

The music is creepy sci-fi perfect for this type of game. My home theater subwoofers really get a workout when I play.

The difficulty is at what I would consider a perfect level. You die, a lot, but it's not controller throwing hard. There's usually a save point really close to where you'll probably die, a lot, that really cuts down on the frustration. I figured this out after moving from save point to boss battle through about a dozen rooms for 10 - 12 times then realized there was a room just to the left I'd not explored. The 13th trip to this boss I decided to hang a left just to see what was there... The doors to the boss's rooms are red too, so if you see one of those and haven't found a save point look left!

The weapons are awesome and it seems like there's going to be a ton. In about 30 minutes of just getting into the game I'd expanded my health two or three times, found two tools that could be used as weapons, found two more main weapons, and increased damage once or twice.

The story is the polarizing point. The premace seems cool but I was so eager to get into the game I wound up skipping through. I later went back and watched and found it meh. Metroid had the right idea here. There were 6 pages in the instruction manual explaining what was going on. When you turned on the game, you got a few seconds of intro music and were off. Some people said the story was great, others thought the characters were forgettable and story underdeveloped. One way or the other, it doesn't detract from the game, at least for me.

Any metroid fan should have this game. It's an obvious homage from an adoring fan.
Title: Re: Axion Verge
Post by: BLUEVOODU on November 03, 2018, 05:30:11 PM
Well... my last post was wiped out.  This game looks pretty cool... it looks like there are a couple version.  I'm not exactly sure what the difference between the Multiverse and standard version of AXIOM Verge are.  It also looks like a decent deal for the game.

They even have a PS Vita Version:
AXIOM Verge - PS Vita - (

The Vita collectors version is about $61 right now... quite expensive, but I would think that has to be rare - considering the PS VITA ( doesn't have a lot of new physical copies of games released this day.   We need more Vita Posts in the PS Vita Board ( I Will work on that.
Title: Re: Axion Verge
Post by: targetrasp on November 03, 2018, 11:05:41 PM
Gamestop has the multiverse edition for 20 something last I looked. coming with a map seems almost like cheating
Title: Re: Axion Verge
Post by: BLUEVOODU on November 04, 2018, 01:27:40 PM
Hm.  I just checked target.  They didn't have it there.  I was thinking of picking it up.  This game looks cool.

It would be cool to have the Vita version.  It would be cooler if it was free on psn for both PS4 and PS Vita
Title: Re: Axion Verge
Post by: targetrasp on November 04, 2018, 05:54:30 PM
the free psn games are so hit or miss.... The good free game is usually something I bought a year or so ago.
Title: Re: Axion Verge
Post by: BLUEVOODU on November 04, 2018, 06:16:41 PM
Quote from: targetrasp on November 04, 2018, 05:54:30 PM
the free psn games are so hit or miss.... The good free game is usually something I bought a year or so ago.

EXACTLY!  It's been about a year since AXIOM Verge game out LOL.  and you're right about the hit and miss part.  I just meant so I could get it for the Vita without paying a stupid amount.   

If I can find the PS4 version around here... I'll probably do it.  It's pretty cheap on Amazon right now.
Title: Re: Axion Verge
Post by: BLUEVOODU on November 13, 2018, 09:43:30 PM
So... I found the PlayStation Vita Multiverse collections edition (I think it was collectors) at Gamestop in another town.  I have it on order... so hopefully it will be on the way soon.  UNFORTUNATELY, they didn't do a direct ship... they did a ship to store.  The local Gamestop said "yeah... they aren't doing their job."  They did a bro move and ordered for me.  But that was a week ago.... $24 new.

Hopefully this arrives soon...   I Thought It was cool to find the PlayStation Vita Physical version.  It probably will be well for the collector side of things. 
Title: Re: Axion Verge
Post by: targetrasp on November 13, 2018, 11:33:41 PM
was actually considering buying the switch version since it had an exclusive cd soundtrack on top of everything else, however it seems likely vita was less mass produced
Title: Re: Axion Verge
Post by: BLUEVOODU on November 14, 2018, 10:08:47 AM
Quote from: targetrasp on November 13, 2018, 11:33:41 PM
was actually considering buying the switch version since it had an exclusive cd soundtrack on top of everything else, however it seems likely vita was less mass produced

Ah man... I didn't realize the Nintendo Switch ( version has the added sound track as well.  Dangit... 

It looks like Gamestop has the Axiom Verge Nintendo Switch ( for $24!  It's $40-ish at (  I'm tempted to get the Switch version as well.  Definitely will stick with Playstation Vita (    It's a bit annoying that they didn't include the soundtrack... thank you for punching my OCD @targetrasp  lol  ;D
Title: Re: Axion Verge
Post by: targetrasp on November 14, 2018, 09:09:04 PM
anything I can do to help out...

i'll burn you a copy if you like... haha who burns discs anymore!!

still haven't ordered it, I'll look again Friday, if it's there that'll mean it's meant to be, if not c'est la vie.
Title: Re: Axion Verge
Post by: BLUEVOODU on November 14, 2018, 11:53:39 PM
SO @targetrasp ... Gamestop dropped the ball on my Vita Axiom Verge.   They never shipped from the other store and they have no clue as to what's going on.  THANKFULLY... the website had them in stock for order from the website.   They were NOT available online until I noticed today.  I don't know what happened, but I have one on the way.  So help me if this one does not come through... I'm probably going to punch puppies.  ;D
Title: Re: Axion Verge
Post by: targetrasp on November 15, 2018, 07:04:11 PM
you can not trust gamestop to do anything at the store level.

@retro junkie started talking about that weird 3ds game project x zone, and I decided to get 1 and 2. Somehow my closest GS had them both so I did the pick up in store option. I got the email that says we're searching for your item, and then hours later I got the email that says we've got your item ready for pick up. I get to the store, and the guy pulls one off the shelf and says he doesn't have the second one. I go back next day to talk to the manager and she's able to find the game, which was also on the shelf. I'd imagine theres some sort of push notification, email, smoke signal, something that alerts these stores to pull an item and ship or hold it... I'm imagining line level "clicks through" or whatever it takes to stop the reminders without actually performing the action.
Title: Re: Axion Verge
Post by: retro junkie on November 16, 2018, 09:25:57 PM
I don't even enter a Gamestop any more. I visit GameXchange locally and there are a few mom and pop places like Odd Ball that carry games. But Gamestop is just not on my list. Our local one is starting to look like Hot Topic.
Title: Re: Axion Verge
Post by: targetrasp on November 17, 2018, 09:40:38 AM
My assumption is that when your business model relies heavily on trading physical copies of games, they've had to branch out since digital. There's a lot of figures, shirts, board games, etc. but I'd say the store is still 60- 75% games. They've had to adapt so they can remain relevant. At least now they've realized that putting the collectables in the front of the store allows for easy theft, so the stuff has been all pushed to the back. Now when you go in you don't have to wade through it.
Title: Re: Axiom Verge
Post by: BLUEVOODU on November 19, 2018, 06:07:17 PM
Thankfully all of ours still look like a regular Game Stop and Not Hot Topic yet.  Axiom Verge - PlayStation Vita became available online... so I ordered it through there.

But even the cart process was a bit cumbersome and shipping was a tad off putting.   With that said - we need a Gamestop topic  :)) In case someone wants to start it

Getting this back on topic (LOL)... I can't wait for Axoim Verge to arrive.  And I noticed AXIOM was AXION in the title @targetrasp   ;D
Title: Re: Axiom Verge
Post by: targetrasp on November 19, 2018, 07:04:49 PM
No it's not...

HA must be payback for woo!
Title: Re: Axiom Verge
Post by: BLUEVOODU on November 19, 2018, 07:45:03 PM
Haha woo

So axiom verge just arrived. Beat up bad.....  I'm a bit pissed. Punch myself in the face. Lol... calling to return and get another row.
Title: Re: Axiom Verge
Post by: BLUEVOODU on November 19, 2018, 09:32:24 PM
Another one for First World Problems (

I called Gamestop... was on the phone for 55 min.  The lady setup my return for Texas.  She corrected that... stated, take the game to the local Gamestop (I had to nail down which 1 of five).  she said take my id and delivery confirmation and they will hook me up.  The confirmation I received was to print out a return label... so I actually am not sure what I'm supposed to do right now.  I Called back because my call disconnected and there was a 60 min wait.  The local Gamestop store didn't know what to do... so... I'm going to call their manager tomorrow and try to figure this out.   
Title: Re: Axiom Verge
Post by: targetrasp on November 20, 2018, 06:42:25 AM
I can't help but laugh!

I never have this kind of problem until Christmas... I'm sure it's all the temp work going on in the shipping sector...

Last year, my kid's vanity came from amazon with the top piece cracked down the middle. The box looked perfect but it had to have hit the ground from a really high position to make a 2 inch piece of wood (well wood chips wrapped in laminate) crack clean through about 18" long.

Title: Re: Axiom Verge
Post by: BLUEVOODU on December 04, 2018, 09:35:23 PM
lol.. stop laughing.   ;D ANND the story isn't over yet.  They're supposed to fix it... and it's not fixed yet.... grrrr  >:(

Title: Re: Axiom Verge
Post by: targetrasp on December 04, 2018, 09:38:29 PM
There's still an "open" order in my order history from 2015 from Gamestop.

If they screw up, just cut your losses. It's like calling Ashley, Eva - there's no hope of repair, just order a new Ashley.
Title: Re: Axiom Verge
Post by: BLUEVOODU on December 04, 2018, 09:42:26 PM
meh... I might have to do that.  It sucks finding something like this and then not having it work out.  BUT... I probably will just cut my losses.  I Am calling the store tomorrow to follow up again though.
Title: Re: Axiom Verge
Post by: BLUEVOODU on January 29, 2019, 08:45:23 PM
SO.... an update... after all this time.

They finally got me another one at the local GameStop.  The Full on Collectors Edition Multiverse edition for the PlayStation Vita.  It is only $18 now ... brand new.  I plan to open this one... and the slightly damaged one will be sold in the future.

Well.... I shouldn't get too excited before I pick it up LOL... @targetrasp This may ACTUALLY have panned out!
Title: Re: Axiom Verge
Post by: targetrasp on January 29, 2019, 11:28:46 PM
sweet. I've been back and forth on getting the collectors flavor but I'm slowing up on heavy duty game collecting for the time being. I'm sure I'll hate myself for not picking up one for under 20 bucks.
Title: Re: Axiom Verge
Post by: BLUEVOODU on February 10, 2019, 04:57:21 PM
I finally got it!  LOL... WOot!

@targetrasp now... I need some time to play this.  3 months (ish)... and this has been resolved.  I got it for $18+ tax as well... which was cheaper than the 1st I bought.  I Think they have more online for $18 as well.