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Console, Cloud and Handheld Gaming => Retro Gaming and Hardware => Topic started by: BLUEVOODU on November 14, 2018, 11:40:04 PM

Title: Wii discontinuing Wii Shop and Steaming functionality 2019
Post by: BLUEVOODU on November 14, 2018, 11:40:04 PM
In our semi-hijacked thread created by @retro junkie Roms, Emulation, and Nintendo (, we started to discuss Nintendo Ending functionality for the Nintendo Wii.

As of January 30, 2019... Nintendo is closing down the Wii Shop Reminder: Wii Shop closes January 30, 2019 - (  The Official announcement was made in September 2017 - Wii Shop closure announcement - (  Funny enough... there are 668 Facebook likes on that article at the time of this post.

ALSO close is the Streaming Services on the Nintendo Wii... most notably - Netflix. There are many articles out there... here's one from Engadget - Wii Shop closure announcement - (

I have to say... I'm amazed it lasted this long.  Production ended in 2013... so... 5-6ish years later, these services are ending.  HOWEVER, I'm a bit disappointed in you Nintendo.  It appears we have to jump through hoops to get our Virtual Console games to the Wii U before the Wii Shop closes.   Then... I have yet to figure out how to get them to the Nintendo Switch - if that's even possible.  It would be cool if there's a way for the shop to instantly transfer to the Switch and bypass the transfer.  There should be a way to unlock those transactions so they become account based and not device based like they were on the Wii.  I know I had an issue with the Wii Transfer back 2-3 years ago when I purchased a Wii U... it had something to do with the account.  I don't remember exactly what it was, but the transfer wouldn't work.  Hopefully that can be worked out as I have 10-15 great Virtual Console / Wii shop games - Sin and Punishment... amongst many others.

Thoughts?  Comments?  Post it up!

Title: Re: Wii discontinuing Wii Shop and Steaming functionality 2019
Post by: retro junkie on November 15, 2018, 07:03:14 AM
How would they stop you from streaming Netflix from the Wii? Some kind of update? Disable it? Not sure I understand how that works I guess.
Amazing support for one of their consoles. Virtual console should be transferable. It is the same as building a console with backward compatibility. At least that is the way I see it. But if you want to pump money out of your loyal fans...... you can make tons of money.  ;)
Title: Re: Wii discontinuing Wii Shop and Steaming functionality 2019
Post by: Grindspine on November 17, 2018, 10:33:04 AM
So, PC gaming wins?

That is frustrating.  I have considered getting a Wii just to be able to download Castlevania Rondo of Blood.  If the virtual console is gone, I will never have a reason to pick that one up.

That being said, it has been this long and I have not bought it, so Nintendo will not care since I have not spent the money for it. 
Title: Re: Wii discontinuing Wii Shop and Steaming functionality 2019
Post by: BLUEVOODU on November 18, 2018, 10:23:59 PM
@Grindspine Honestly... PC Gaming doesn't win in this realm either.  Now... you may find some user based servers running longer, but game servers shutdown as well.

Phantasy Star Online on the PC is only online because users made it so.  IF it was up to Sega, it would be dead.

It's cool that Nintendo kept the Wii services running for as long as they have.  Also Per @retro junkie 's comment... it really shouldn't be that hard to move Wii Store games to other platforms... OR make them available immediately on the Nintendo Switch ( for Download.  That's the part that's dumbfounding.  There's absolutely no reason to not be able to do that.  But instead, you have to move the Virtual Console games from the Wii to the Wii U.  I know this process didn't work for me when I bought my Wii U.  I had to start my Wii U from scratch.  Now, I'm let trying to figure it out and work on a contingency plan just in case it doesn't work out.  I guess that's another First World Problem ( for the Thread in General  ;D
Title: Re: Wii discontinuing Wii Shop and Steaming functionality 2019
Post by: targetrasp on November 19, 2018, 07:08:14 PM
Could licensing be the hold up?
I was thinking about that, everything i bought on VC has a specific system attached. the 3ds stuff only works on the 3ds, wii on the wii. I can't pull my wii games over to my wii u but there's tons of emulators that can run all that crap on all those different consoles.
Title: Re: Wii discontinuing Wii Shop and Steaming functionality 2019
Post by: BLUEVOODU on November 26, 2018, 05:00:30 PM
Licensing could definitely be the hold up @targetrasp  AND that would make sense.  Though.... not being able to easily transfer doesn't make sense  ???  I guess it could be a ploy to get people to buy their games multiple times.  There are some games ( I believe) available on the Wii but not newer consoles. I could be wrong on that... but I thought Sin and Punishment was one of them.  It might be available everywhere now.

Title: Re: Wii discontinuing Wii Shop and Steaming functionality 2019
Post by: BLUEVOODU on December 15, 2018, 05:35:23 PM
I'm behind the ball on this one... I Really need to get my games off the Wii and onto the Wii u.  Part of me doesn't care... because I DOUBT the Wii U is far behind the Wii for getting kicked out Nintendo services.  I could be wrong though.  I DOUBT the Wii U will be left as long as the Wii was.  And what happens then?  Will they allow us to upload to the Switch???  Some how... I doubt it or they would've provided a path now.