Chicken Dinner Gaming Community

PC Gaming => PC Rigs, Builds, and Peripheral Devices => Topic started by: BLUEVOODU on December 15, 2018, 07:32:35 PM

Title: How Many of you work in IT or a Technology Related Field?
Post by: BLUEVOODU on December 15, 2018, 07:32:35 PM
Just Curious on how many of our members work in an Information Technology or technology related field such as programming.

As I mentioned before, I'm looking to start up a tech related site.  This will not be "forum based" but may include a forum in the future... or if I Can figure out how to marry 2 technologies... I'll use SMF or Xenforo combined with this CMS technology.     The site will be Article based - mostly how to and help articles.  I plan to use this as my repository for tech docs in an easily searchable and taggable manner.  There will be a specific format for uniformity and to make Search Engine Optimization easy.   I will be looking for Content writers... for even easy how to articles such as Excel and Word.  I will allow content repositories for your how to articles made for work... OR your work tasks made into How to articles so you can have a place to EASILY access them in the future.  There will be a little bit of masking identities - meaning, not showing actual server or IP names of actual servers used.

If you're interested ... please let me know.  topics will be EVERYTHING covered in IT... and I'll welcome how to Programming help...etc.  So there will be different Linux Versions, IBM AIX, Maybe DB2, SQL, IBM iSeries with IBM i OS (or known as AS400), Windows platforms such as Windows 7 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10.... even stuff including backups and backup strategies.
Title: Re: How Many of you work in IT or a Technology Related Field?
Post by: BLUEVOODU on January 11, 2019, 12:09:01 AM
Keeping the topic rolling  ;D  I just passed another IT Certification.    AWS Cloud Practitioner... now I'm on to studying AWS Solutions Architect Associates... I'm also currently studying Linux for the Linux+/LPIC 1 exam... and will be working on the LPIC 2 exam after that.   Then on to Red Hat and SUSE  SLES Certifications.

This is partly why I've been a tad MIA... I've had to study a lot lately.   Feel Free to help keep up topics though... I could use the help.
Title: Re: How Many of you work in IT or a Technology Related Field?
Post by: targetrasp on January 11, 2019, 08:02:08 AM
somewhere I have some awesome Visual Basic stuff, if I can dig it up and its content I'll be glad to add it.
Title: Re: How Many of you work in IT or a Technology Related Field?
Post by: retro junkie on January 12, 2019, 03:53:09 PM
I had a certification in 486, Pentium 1, 2, 3 at one time. But that has been a long time ago. At this point in my life I am really not as motivated toward digging into that anymore. I have also forgot a lot of that stuff. You tend to do if you don't stay with it. I have a java book around here somewhere. Right now my main interest is to learn how to use Krita, a graphics program. I want to get back into art as I contemplate retirement in two years.
Title: Re: How Many of you work in IT or a Technology Related Field?
Post by: BLUEVOODU on January 12, 2019, 07:27:53 PM
Yeah... I get that.  I've had to re-invent myself 3-4 times now after my store... and working on another one even though I'm keeping my current tasks going that I've done the last 7 years.

So... working through 6-8 new certifications now.  I know and am friends with several Ex-IBMers still working in the IT fields in their 60s. They've been lucky to be able to do the same thing (with subtle changes) for the last 25 years.  I've never had this pleasure... most people do not.