Chicken Dinner Gaming Community

PC Gaming => PC Rigs, Builds, and Peripheral Devices => Topic started by: BLUEVOODU on December 16, 2018, 05:09:49 PM

Title: RGB Lit PC Peripheral Hardware and Devices
Post by: BLUEVOODU on December 16, 2018, 05:09:49 PM
The time has come for a topic for all things glowing... RGB Glowing and customizable that is.  Fan lights, Keyboard lights, Different in case lights and many other lighted peripherals have been  the rage since the late 90's.  HOWEVER... not we have RGB customizable lights - In many case... millions of colors and possibilities are possible (though we can argue how practical 80% of those colors really are).

What are you using that are RGB capable?  And what customizations are you using / what colors have you chose for them? 

Post it up!
Title: Re: RGB Lit PC Peripheral Hardware and Devices
Post by: Grindspine on November 02, 2021, 10:15:01 PM
Moar RGD!  ;D

More RGB more better computer game color overclock!

I just have a blue 120mm intake fan on my desktop with a green power button and green exhaust fan.  I do see higher end gaming stuff absolutely filled with RGB now though.  My laptop does have RGB glowing keys, but I largely ignore them.