I miss back in the day when X Play was a thing with Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb. However, I have seen some show on Netflix that are not review shows, but are heavily video game based.
Video Game High School was actually moderately entertaining. Gamers go to a high school where they are divided among the fighting games, driving games, and FPS games.
Hi Score Girl is an anime that my girlfriend recently started watching. It is all about old school '90s gaming noting Final Fight, Virtua Fighter, King of Fighters '94, Tekken, and showing more than a few clips of the Darius games.
Both are worth a watch.
now that video games are insanely popular there'd be a market for x-play and attack of the show, if it wasn't for that pesky youtube.
Okay after seeing this posting I have become a fan of High Score Girl. First episode and I was hooked, love it. Had no idea that this series existed. 8)
Retro, glad I was able to introduce you to it!
Of course, Netflix has Castlevania too!
So much awesome!
King of Fighters '94? NICE! That's awesome they did that. I was more of a fan of '96 and '97.... but the King of Fighters series on the Neo Geo was always a lot of fun.
Outside Pixels, Wreck it Ralph, or Angry Birds the Movie... I haven't seen anything "movie / show" that were gaming related. I will have to check these out. Castlevania the Series... I don't have Netflix... is it on anything else? Or is it Netflix Exclusive?
It is a Netflix exclusive. You have to hang out with someone who has Netflix to catch it! :P
or buy it at Walmart - season one is out