Happy New Year from the Chicken Dinner Gaming Community! We wish you the best in 2019!
Many things are in store for 2019. I also plan to restart the Member competitions for Amazon Gift cards ... and other great gaming prizes.
If you haven't already joined, please join our Discord:
Drop by, say hi... and wish everyone and Happy New Year.
Game On,
Happpy new year!
MM, Spartan, and you bailed on Diablo III today, tomorrow?
happy new year everybody
Happy New Year!!
This is me as I was driving home with lunch. We are starting the new year with Taco Bell.
mmmm Taco Bell. We rang in the new year with Arby's today lol. ;D
@Grindspine Wait a minute... I didn't ditch today lol. Maybe
@mastermario and
@SpartanEvolved did... but I couldn't play today.
@targetrasp Time to ring in the new year with... Titanfall 2 :)) soon.
Happy Belated New Year
lol.. belated ...definitely belated. Happy New Year to you as well,
@Bomber Man