This will be a 2 day event. If you shop with Amazon, please consider using our ads on the site. You can click in the ads and navigate to whatever you want to buy. The funds go to hosting and upgrade costs (mostly hosting right now). I appreciate the help!
Who is looking forward to prime day? There were a few good deals last year. The event appears to be growing. The 1st year didn't seem to have a lot of what I was looking for... but we will see what's up this year!
Here is the link to our "store. Amazon Prime Day Links for Our Store (
Post it up!
It's usually pretty good for gifts. If it lines up with something I want or need i'll jump in but usually just buy a lot of crap to put up for birthdays and Christmas.
@targetrasp yeah... me too. Good call! That and some school supplies. Though I also try to give local stores business too.
If you or anyone else wants me to set stuff up...let me know. I'll post some of the other deals.. As well as kindle fire and other amazon deals I see for those that may be interested.
I also added the link to our "store" to the 1st post.
Well... tomorrow starts prime day. I'm definitely checking out the deals.
I totally missed the Steam Summer Sales this year. I think this may have been the 1st year in 9-10 years I missed it... studying this year. Good news is, I passed my Linux cert lol. ON to the next ones.
I'm still waiting on the Turbo Grafx-16 mini pre-order link to be live... They have something out there... but no preorder yet.
Thank you to all that order through the links over prime day. It is appreciated.
You can still use the links for all your purchases. Even if you don't buy games, we get credit for anything and everything you order when going through the advertisements and / or links. We use this for upgrades and hosting... and every bit helps.
If there are questions, please let me know.
Thank you,