I may be a bit biased since Spidey is my favorite comic book superhero, but man, this film was great. The first half may seem a bit slow but the second half is pretty much perfection in my eyes. They finally got Spider-Man right in my opinion.
I suggest everyone see it. ;D
Oh man... good topic
@CreepinDeth - I CANNOT WAIT for this movie. I think we are going to try to see it tomorrow... though I don't know at what time.
It's great that we have another Marvel movie after Endgame... though I'm wondering how that'll all fit together. I haven't read up much on this movie for a reason lol.
Who else is looking forward to this movie?
I may take the kids to it sometime this next week, that is if my daughter can stay out of trouble!
OK. We saw it last night. Yeah... it was really good
A couple crazy unexpected things happened as well. Man... you're right
@CreepinDeth ... this guy nails Spider-Man's character.