Has anyone got Disney plus yet? We have had it from day one. One of the things that really attracted us to it was the trailer for this particular series. Just our opinion, we feel this series alone is not worth scribing to the streaming service (the trailer was better.) Now that I have that out in the open I will continue.
This series has so much potential. And you can see that in the episodes. A lot of the elements in the show are good. It is just that it seems that the direction and production is so lame. Cinematography is sometimes even lacking. The quality does not stand up to the MCU, their TV series stuff like SHIELD, or the Star Wars franchise. Even their old Disney stuff is better. Not sure what they were thinking. The music has stuck in my crawl. Usually music is used to increase the impact of the mood of a scene. The music is so disjointed from the whole thing. Maybe it is just me.
I thought the team up with IG88 was great, so much chemistry between them. But someone writing the script must not have, short lived. Very disappointed.
There are a lot of things on Disney plus that makes it worth having the app. This series is just not enough, if that is what you're wanting to see.
edit: It just does not deliver enough to draw me in and hook me. My Daughter and I are fans of the Star Wars universe. Not as big as we used to be. We had high expectations.
@retro junkie 1st question... so is Disney+ really worth it? It seems like it would be initially... but would fizz out shortly after.
As far as the Mandalorian... I keep seeing ads on this and does it look interesting. The Disney+ Image of the Mandalorian draws you in... how can you not want to watch once you see the bounty hunter ;D
Do you think they rushed it out and it will get better with age? There are a lot of series like what you explained. Amazon has a lot of them... but people still seem to love to watch them. I've been critical of others in the past as well. I Couldn't get into them because they were cheesily done... where others seem to gloss of those bad effects, cinematography, etc.
@BLUEVOODU I think that Disney+ is worth it just for the content, that is if you are into their stuff. It is still early and I am thinking they might have rushed this series out the door for the launch. People are enjoying it. There are things that annoy me while watching. Disney themselves set the standard and that is what I find disturbing. It is one of those shows that you want to like. It is just one of those shows that my Daughter and I look at each other and ask, "What is missing?" I feel like they should have made the character a little more......not sure how to put it. He is very bumbling and hap hazard and, just maybe, we are seeing something at the beginning and the Mandalorian will develop becoming more professional as the series matures. I hope he lives through it to do that. :)) And for the record, it is not "the Bounty Hunter." It is "a bounty hunter."
At this point I am curious how some of the other series that are in the works will be handled. I am not alone in my perspective about this first series, but at the same time many people have gotten into it. And I think right now the Disney content, which is a lot of stuff, and the MCU are the big draw here of having this service. Until we see more original work released, not sure, hope it all improves. I am going to hang in here for the long haul just to see what comes of this. At this point Netflix has them beat on original quality content, IMO.
It stills bugs me that they did not consider IG88. That team up was the best in the series, for me, so far.
I've started to get disenfranchised with the Star Wars series because the focus of late has been more on recreating the formula while shoe horning in political / social justice considerations instead of really expanding the story. I think Star Wars had a really good handle on diversity to begin with. Lea wasn't a weak female lead, she was a badass. Sure she looked good in a bathing suit but that wasn't the focus of Jedi. As far as race, it's freaking star wars; black, white, brown, blue with gills, green, short whit glowing eyes, reptilian.... diversity was never an issue as far as I'm concerned. I don't care about color, sexual identification / preference, body type; I want the focus on memorable charismatic characters, not Disney checking off boxes.
Enter the Mandalorian. It's different, and even a bit underwhelming on the surface. All the glitz has been stripped out and the desert environment / lack of epic space battles makes for a seemingly cheap production but I think that adds to it. I'll also cop to the weird character development - leaving the Mandalorian in a helmet makes things challenging but I think it's kinda working. Its definatly harder to develop an attachment to a faceless character but emotion is slowly being built through the story.
It's a slow ride, reminiscent of how Game of Thrones started. For my tastes it's different, and I like it. it doesn't follow the space opera, plucky rebellion heros facing insurmountable odds to finally blow something major up formula. Instead its focused on something much smaller.
I love all the Star Wars movies and series (sans those animated droids and ewoks mockeries) and admit many have their faults (jar jar, anikin and amadala's putrid chemistry, formulaic story line, overly heavy social justice inclusion). I think Favreau is aware of these faults and stepping lightly into his series, finding a really nice balance of new and old. I'll admit the trailer made it look more action packed then it is but when there is action its pretty awesome.
It'll likely be a slow build but I think it's only going to get better and better. The recent developments (i'm only through the first 3 episodes) seems like it could open up a whole new piece of the Jedi puzzle. I'm excited and while it's not what I expected either the Mandalorian is what I've been wanting.
Haven't watched it myself, but the baby Yoda stuff is everywhere! So cute.
The Babysitter ???
I'm opposite. I really enjoy The Mandalorian. Mostly because it doesn't feel like a Star Wars property like Targetrasp mentioned. I personally love the soundtrack. It's not over-the-top epic symphony like the Movies. It's down and dirty, almost Nine Inch Nails, industrial-like and fits the atmosphere perfectly.
The only thing I somewhat dislike is the forced cuteness but it's better than Jar-Jar by miles and is actually really relevant to the story.
It's got more human elements than the Star Wars movies that try so hard to nail.
The forced cuteness was at least done with some restraint, and a lot more subtly than in star wars IPs passed. Disney can't rule the world without monetizing from all corners AND Star Wars has such a prepubescent boy - comic book store owner demographic / stigma that they've gotta inject something in there to attract the masses, widen that target audience a bit... The Ewoks started this mess but the real train wreck happened with Jar Jar. Disney needed to pump the brakes hard, and I think baby Yoda is a great compromise.
I bought Disney plus just for this one show and so far I've not been disappointed. I do think it'll take more original content to come out to keep me on the Disney plus platform but the Mandalorian was bait enough and I'm satisfied at this point.
Okay I have watched every episode for this first season. They haven't given me a good understanding as to why this Mandalorian is still alive. (Maybe it is the force?) The only one that I have seen that can fight is the one that is the blacksmith for the armor. Last two episodes seem to be the best, maybe it is because of the action. Music still seems to be a problem with me. And it is not that it is different from the movies, or style. It bothers me. But I guess, that is the way.
I find myself loving the "Lost in Space" on the Netflix streaming a lot better than this. Sorry, and I do consider myself a Star Wars fan.
I've been watching and I like it so far, but new Dr Who is out now so that might take over my tv time haha.
@AngelBob @targetrasp and
@retro junkie ... I think I'm going to sign up for the free 7 day trail and check this out. I heard it's possible to kill all the Mandalorian's in the trial. I think it's time to see this.
Do it. it'll be like watching two lord of the rings movies!
@BLUEVOODU we just bit the bullet and got it, with all the kids we'll get our moneys worth haha