Chicken Dinner Gaming Community

The Nexus => General Discussion => Topic started by: Grindspine on February 02, 2020, 03:58:23 PM

Title: Higher FPS = better competative gaming? Let's explore.
Post by: Grindspine on February 02, 2020, 03:58:23 PM
Title: Re: Higher FPS = better competative gaming? Let's explore.
Post by: BLUEVOODU on February 04, 2020, 12:34:19 PM
IDk... @Grindspine I mean... generally once you get above 60fps... I don't think it matters as much.  Definitely if are lower than 60 versus 60 and above... there's a distinct advantage.  But 120-240 fps?  I'm not sure there's really an advantage.

what do you think @trkorecky @Polygon @Jack ?
Title: Re: Higher FPS = better competative gaming? Let's explore.
Post by: Grindspine on February 05, 2020, 06:53:22 AM
Quote from: BLUEVOODU on February 04, 2020, 12:34:19 PM
IDk... @Grindspine I mean... generally once you get above 60fps... I don't think it matters as much.  Definitely if are lower than 60 versus 60 and above... there's a distinct advantage.  But 120-240 fps?  I'm not sure there's really an advantage.

what do you think @trkorecky @Polygon @Jack ?

Did you watch the video?  The evidence presented is pretty convincing that there is an advantage with higher frame rates for casual, hardcore, and pro gamers.
Title: Re: Higher FPS = better competative gaming? Let's explore.
Post by: Polygon on February 20, 2020, 01:37:31 PM
There's more than enough evidence that it CAN. However, I think it's benefit is highly dependent on skill level, and how much it's going to help, but it definitely helps. Also, this can depend on your eyes. It might not help a lot because of variances in people's eyes, so this can change from person to person. I know that I can tell the difference between gaming at 60Hz vs. 100Hz. I have a hard time much past 120Hz and being able to tell the difference. Also, I'm noticeably more accurate at higher refresh than I am at 60Hz.

From a technical standpoint, absolutely, yes. You can tell a difference, provided other factors line up. Other factor can effect the law of diminish returns to the point of it being irrelevant depending on the person.
Title: Re: Higher FPS = better competative gaming? Let's explore.
Post by: BLUEVOODU on March 14, 2020, 09:23:42 PM
@Grindspine yes - I've been keen on that topic for quite awhile.  It was all the rage back in the Crysis days and after... it really may have started more with Counter-Strike Source.   It probably started earlier than that... but it was really big with those 2 titles alone.

@Polygon I do agree... but that's what I mainly was saying... over 120... I don't know.  There are so many factors that go into it. 

Fair disclosure, I have not updated my gaming monitors...etc... in forever.  I plan to do this in 2-3 years... but not now.  So I'm definitely not using the newest gear.   I used to keep up on upgrades a lot more.. but haven't really since 2013 - 2014.  I've just had other areas funds had to go to.

Title: Re: Higher FPS = better competative gaming? Let's explore.
Post by: BLUEVOODU on March 29, 2020, 10:30:25 AM
Double post - @Grindspine I re-watched the video... this makes me want to try a new monitor. I believe the monitor I use is 120hz and I definitely get over 60 fps...  for csgo... I thought 120-200fps. I'd have to look again as it's been a very long time since I fired up csgo... or anything for that fact on my desktop. Now I really want try 144-240hz.

My comment on 60fps really is for motion tothe human eye... not accounting for all the input and drawing lags. I don't know if there's much to it, but I normally use low latency wired keyboard and mouse.

Btw I really like that channel  on youtube... they do a great job.    Good choice on video.