It looks like there may be some production issues and the output number for the PlayStation 5 have been reduced. This will make the PlayStation 5 more rare this year...
Check out the following article:
Sony slashed PlayStation 5 outlook due to chip issues - CNBC - (
This makes me want to pick one up lol... but I have elected to wait due to economic uncertainties right now. There are more important things to take care of at this point.
I'm not too surprised... it seems this happens almost every launch. But it still means shortages if you want it before the end of the year!
Thoughts, comments? Post it up!
Are they copying Nintendo's strategy of lowering supply to increase demand?
Quote from: Grindspine on February 28, 2021, 02:36:37 PM
Are they copying Nintendo's strategy of lowering supply to increase demand?
Doubt it since scalpers are already doing that for them. Supply chain is low and getting materials is becoming difficult for every industry that needs silicon chips.
yeah... it's hitting ever industry right now. It's hard to believe you still cannot get a PlayStation 5 this far after launch. I gave up trying to get one. I simply lost care and I refuse to buy at the scalped price. If no one bought the scalped prices... It wouldn't happen. But that drive to have the current system is driving the scalpers.
It's frustrating... but I simply won't buy and will wait.
Quote from: BLUEVOODU on March 02, 2021, 03:51:46 PM
It's frustrating... but I simply won't buy and will wait.
Same. Doesn't help that you can really only get it online and these stores don't have protections from bots. They don't care anyways as long as they sell.
Yeah... some seem to have bot protection, but it only seems to keep humans from buying lol ;D
The semi-conductor shortage is hitting a lot of the manufacturing sector. The company that I work for is being effected due to the auto industry dependence on them.
Yeah... that is hitting really hard right now. It's pretty crazy how there's a shortage right now. Automotive has demand right now and they cannot fill due to this shortage.
Hopefully it's not hurting you guys bad right now.
We just need to hurry up and build more chip manufacturing plants stateside.
Quote from: targetrasp on March 10, 2021, 10:42:24 PM
We just need to hurry up and build more chip manufacturing plants stateside.
There's definitely a lot of demand and opportunity for that right now. I don't know how long it would take to build a factory... but probably just in time for demand to drop off lol.
article from may 2020
"TSMC said Friday it will start construction of its next major fabrication facility in 2021, to be completed by 2024. "
lol, about that long
I don't think business will drop off concerning the chips with the big push toward electric cars and such. I think the demand will continue. Their investment in manufacturing will be richly rewarded.