It looks like the RTX3080 is hard to acquire right now. I'm glad I won't be in the market for new hardware for a year or two. But it reminds me of a few other points in history of trying to acquire certain computer hardware pieces.
Nvidia's RTX 3080 is already sold out pretty much everywhere online in the US - (
Did you already get yours? ;D
Thoughts, comments... post it up!
This whole release has been a mess. Probably won't get one this year.
It's nice to hear people are trolling the scalpers by overbidding on their listings and throwing up bogus listings.
How are they overbidding? Wouldn't they be responsible for the amount they overbid?
Quote from: BLUEVOODU on September 21, 2020, 10:01:46 AM
How are they overbidding? Wouldn't they be responsible for the amount they overbid?
They're either making multiple, disposable accounts or sacrificing their own. If you don't pay you just get banned from Ebay.
Yeah... it does suck this is happening... especially on a wide level. But I get torn from time-to-time on these practices.
Auction Torpedoing !
Quote from: BLUEVOODU on September 22, 2020, 11:23:38 PM
Yeah... it does suck this is happening... especially on a wide level. But I get torn from time-to-time on these practices.
Auction Torpedoing !
I hear you but in this case, people who can afford to buy an RTX 3080 just to auction off don't seem to be hurting for cash.
If it was a business that they were torpedoing, then I might feel differently. Scalpers rarely get my sympathy.
Exactly - and the other part that sucks is that others cannot get into it as easily... especially at the scalped prices. Oh supply and demand... how wonderful are thy ways.
I'm trying to wait 2 years before I build another pc.. and just being satisified with the Dell G5 gaming laptop. It's pretty nice though... I must say. I've had it since 2018 and it still works well... though I haven't really been gaming on it... but mostly studying now - AWS, Ansible, Linux and crafting all sorts of good stuff there.
Holy crap. This is still sold out and it appears the situation is worse. 8 year old cards are even going for a couple hundy - confirmed by
@targetrasp lol... I haven't bought a card In forever as I've been avoiding building. Hard to believe the card is worth something this far in the game.
Its a joke - its almost to the point where if you want a video card you have to buy a prebuilt pc with that video card and sell off the other pieces, heck i think in some circumstances its cheaper that way...
Quote from: BLUEVOODU on March 29, 2021, 07:00:27 PM
Hard to believe the card is worth something this far in the game.
They usually pay for themselves fairly quickly for miners. Even at the $2-3K range. So it's very worth it to those people.
Do they still pay for themselves quickly? I thought you pretty much had to use ASIC rigs to make it worthwhile these days.
Quote from: BLUEVOODU on April 01, 2021, 07:33:54 AM
Do they still pay for themselves quickly? I thought you pretty much had to use ASIC rigs to make it worthwhile these days.
The most popular crypto (ie. the ones worth the most) are not ASIC, sadly. Giant crypto farms have no problem buying tons of these at those prices. However, the chip shortage doesn't help either.
Resurrection time!
This topic is a year old now. I managed to get an RTX 3070 Ti at Best Buy last Friday. Stood in line for about 5 hours. I got there at around 4:45AM and I was about 70-80th place in line. I was one of the last ones to get that particular GPU. The 3080 was gone way before the tickets got to me.
Well, I'm set for a while now. Probably won't upgrade until another 3 years. This card has no trouble running anything I throw at it at 1440p.
nice! good score. I was thinking of upgrading to a new laptop with a 3080. The price jumped hard on them. IT costs about $3000 to touch certain laptops with a 3080 these days. The stock has lagged so much though, I'm wondering if it makes sense to just wait until the next iteration of laptops. With Prices as high as they are, it may be prudent to wait. Though... do we really think prices will come back down or are the prices here to stay?