We started watching this awhile back due to
@Grindspine recommendation. We watched the animated movie... then started into the series. It started a bit rough but is smoother in Season 2. We are about half way through Season 2.
Not sure why, I just never gave Star Wars: The Clone Wars the time of day ... partly I didn't have time to check it out either. But going back into it, it's a pretty good view. Will be adding this to the binge watching topic!
What are your thoughts on the series? I'm sure most of everyone has finished the series by now. Post it up!
I never gave it the time of day either. Where is it streaming?
Disney Plus has it all.
The animated movie is meh, okay. It introduces the character of Ahsoka though. She really starts off as Anakin's bratty padawan and really does not grow up and become a respectable character until about the 3rd season.
The clone troopers Rex, Cody, Fives, Heavy, Gregor, and Jesse are worth noting. Their stories really fill out during the course of the series and culminate at the end of season 7, which coincides with the end of the Clone Wars and Order 66. Ahsoka, Rex, and Gregor also show up in Star Wars: Rebels; those stories lead right up to the Rogue One movie.
The series as a whole does have some tedious story arcs, but all of it goes better as the seasons progress and each character's story becomes more complete. The Bad Batch is really a spin-off of a special group of clones that is introduced in one of the later seasons. The Bad Batch is not essential viewing at this point, but a good spin-off story. With the tie-ins to Episode II, Episode III, and Book of Boba Fett. I would consider the later seasons of Clone Wars to be highly recommended to help give more depth to the main storylines.
Started.......watched the first episode.
Quote from: retro junkie on August 01, 2022, 09:27:14 AM
Started.......watched the first episode.
@Grindspine Star Wars Rebels led up to Rogue One? Rogue One was part of the story before Episode 4... so that was between Episode 3 and Rogue 1? or did Rebels start sometime before Episode 3? Sometimes the timeline of Ahsoka doesn't make sense (or is hard to keep straight) between all the series and then Mandalorian and the Book of Boba Fett.
The Bad Batch was awesome... really dug that series.
Rebels leads up to Rogue One. One of the ships from Rebels, the Ghost, is visible in the battle over Scariff. Also, the Ghost's astro-mech, CH-1P "Chopper" appears in the base before that battle. Finally, "Captain Sindula" is called over the PA system at the base, tying in both Star Wars: Rebels and referencing the Sindula family that fought to free Rhyoloth.
The main character in Rebels was born the same day that Leia and Luke were born, so it takes place about 16 years after Episode 3.
Ahsoka was pretty much a child in the early Clone Wars episodes. She is a young adult by the end of season 7. This would put her in her thirties in Rebels and around forty by The Mandolorian.
Retro, the first episode is, well, it is Star Wars, but the first few seasons do start slow.
I have started Clone Wars probably four times, even as a go-to-sleep white noise show, and the first season is so boring that I make it about 6 episodes and give up. I also don't love using cartoons as canon. Thoughts?
Quote from: mastermario on October 01, 2022, 09:49:03 PM
I have started Clone Wars probably four times, even as a go-to-sleep white noise show, and the first season is so boring that I make it about 6 episodes and give up. I also don't love using cartoons as canon. Thoughts?
I have probably watched through it more than 4 times, also as a go-to-sleep white noise show. The first three seasons are boring and slow. It really isn't until Ahsoka grows up a bit from those times she is independent from Anakin that she gets interesting. The story arcs with Obi Wan and Dutchess Satine of Mandalore get really good. Maul's return makes it even better with an actual tangible threat to the Jedi Order.
The series really culminates in the last four episodes of season 7 though, since it really shows a much deeper view of Order 66. It isn't just a handful of Jedi masters being killed, it is really a galaxy-wide event. At the same time, a civil war is occurring on Mandalore and you get to see how things play out between Ahsoka, Captain Rex, Dearth Maul, and Bo-Katan Kryze during that Mandalorian occupation.