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Official Recent Game Happenings / Progress Thread

Started by BLUEVOODU, March 02, 2018, 12:21:22 AM

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Quote from: retro junkie on March 27, 2018, 09:57:55 PM
I am rusty, been a while. Made it to the third level of Streets of Rage 3.
Now that's a game I haven't played in a long time ...  streets of rage. Good stuff

retro junkie

This morning, Streets of Rage 3, I made it to the end of stage 6. The flying guys got me.  :'(
there is no spoon


Lol that sucks. That's pretty far along as well.

Just beat Lego Lord of the Rings on the vita.  Now going back to 100% it. 


Started playing FFXV again.  Got from chapter 5 to like chapter 8 I think last night. 

retro junkie

Went back this morning to the beginning by pulling out Streets of Rage, the first one. I was in level eight when I lost it right at those double doors.  :o  :'(

Fought my way all the way and I was unable to deliver the goods.
there is no spoon


Ah man... that's rough. 

So today.... Played the following:
Last resort
King of the monsters
Ghost pilots
Metal slug 3
Sonic wings 3
Alpha mission 2
Nam 1975

Friend was over during family Easter party - and we broke out the Neo Geo Aes.  1st time in a very long time.


Lego Hobbit - working on 100%-ing this game now.    Made some progress in the sickness of thror - 1 trophy earned.


Played some monster Hunter world and captured my first deviljho. His weapons look so fricking cool but it will take forever to get all the mats for them. @.@


I finished a few more COD WW2 levels today. I'm up to The Battle of the Bulge.


Downloaded PUBG Mobile. Pretty fun as well. I feel better at it than I think I am because I think they add several bots into your early rounds, but it's very similar to the actual game.

We should play @BLUEVOODU

retro junkie

Spent the afternoon playing Spyro the eternal night for the GB SP. Very good game.
there is no spoon


I got through the Call of Duty WW2 Campaign. Very satisfying, but a little too easy on regular. Only one part took more than a try or two. I mist tons of mementos and heroic acts but I feel like they'd be easy to get on regular if someone was so inclined. I was rushing through because my son was trying to finish first.


@mastermario I will try to download it by tonight... see how PUBG Mobile is lol.

Quote from: retro junkie on April 08, 2018, 11:39:02 PM
Spent the afternoon playing Spyro the eternal night for the GB SP. Very good game.
@retro junkie I've always wondered how that Spyro games played... I think I tried one for the PSX a long time ago... but didn't do much with it.

Quote from: targetrasp on April 10, 2018, 11:52:05 PM
I got through the Call of Duty WW2 Campaign. Very satisfying, but a little too easy on regular. Only one part took more than a try or two. I mist tons of mementos and heroic acts but I feel like they'd be easy to get on regular if someone was so inclined. I was rushing through because my son was trying to finish first.
@targetrasp - so is this game worth it to buy?  I had serious reservations.... we should create a topic on this game and visit it.
* if you have it on PS4... maybe I'll try to buy that version and we can play multiplayer at some point.  THOUGH we still need to hit up Diablo 3... the itch that needs to be scratched again.

Looks like I updated the wrong thread with the following:

For Me:
Lego Hobbit - PlayStation Vita.  This game is organized a bit different... so I'm trying to get used to it.  I see to have completed 3 sections / trials / whatever you want to call it of 1 level.   I plan to write some kind of reviews on the Lego games as some point.

retro junkie

Quote from: BLUEVOODU on April 12, 2018, 09:35:18 AM

Quote from: retro junkie on April 08, 2018, 11:39:02 PM
Spent the afternoon playing Spyro the eternal night for the GB SP. Very good game.
@retro junkie I've always wondered how that Spyro games played... I think I tried one for the PSX a long time ago... but didn't do much with it.

This particular game for the GB SP plays totally different from the others on the system. Eternal Night is a 2D side scroller. All of the others on the system are 3/4 overhead view. This game is excellent. Highly recommended if you are into side scrollers. You gain special moves when you find them in the levels. Your Spyro develops as you gain those moves.
there is no spoon


@retro junkie If I find it for a great price... I Think I'm going to give it a shot!


didn't I just see banjo kazooe and spyro collections coming out in the near future?

retro junkie

Yes and I am going to be right on top of the Spyro collection. Graphics are going to be updated.

Been into Project X Zone today on the 3DS, advancing. Also DragonBall Advance Adventure on the GB SP.
there is no spoon


I might have to look for those games as well - feel free to post up if you have any more information on those  ;D

I played Tetris Ultimate - Ps Vita.... I was trying to resurrect memories of Tetris DS.  Didn't work. I'll write a little review on this soon.

Also, Lego Hobbit for the Vita... made a little more progress.  I've said it before... it's different than other Lego games.


Got the Megaman suit for my palico today on MHW. 


Does the Mega Man suit look pretty cool?

Played a bunch more Fort Nite with the kids... and Splatoon 2... ah... fun game.


Actually not a big fan of it.  It's like in a voxel style...

here I found a screenshot online: ShowHide



@Kinikko Boy... that really stands out in the gaming style lol.

It's like all the pixelated characters in the real world in the movie Pixels.

Mai Valentine

I've been alternating between Lightning Returns and the usual FFXIV.

In FFXIV I just got two more Eureka relic weapons finished (red mage and samurai).

In Lightning Returns I'm currently on day 7? Or maybe 8. I'm trying to get sidequests done since I'm stuck a bit on a few of the bosses.


I started making progress on Metroid Samus Returns last night... before I passed out... long days right now.

I'll make a topic on it... the game insert is pretty cool.  It has the original Gameboy cover on 1 side (high quality too)... and the new cover on the other side.

The motion of the game is a little different from other Metroid games.  It doesn't seem as smooth to my eyes.  Again... more information on that as I play more and eventually create a topic on the game and play through.


Been slowly making progress on getting all the gear from Kulve Tarroth on MH:W. 

Also been playing on World of Warcraft, and got my hunter to 110. 


The COD kick continues - I blew through three more missions last night in Ghosts.


Quote from: targetrasp on April 27, 2018, 07:03:30 AM
The COD kick continues - I blew through three more missions last night in Ghosts.
On to ghosts now? Still need to install WW2... maybe we can join up Multiplayer sometime lol ... Game ADD....

I made more progress on Samus returns last night... before I passed out.   Fell asleep with 3DS on again... almost smacked my face.

@Kinikko World of Warcraft...If there was ever a time warp in a game... that would exist there   ;D


Finished Ghosts a few minutes ago and just realized MW2 and MW3 are not backwards compatible on the xbone. Trying to decide if I want to dig out the 360 or start up xcom or Kameo.

Now I remember why I preferred the 360 over the ps3... The achievement system is so much more satisfying then the ps3's trophies.


Quote from: targetrasp on April 27, 2018, 10:01:59 PM
Now I remember why I preferred the 360 over the ps3... The achievement system is so much more satisfying then the ps3's trophies.
I don't know about that ... I dig the trophy system more than the achievements system on Xbox

I still have to beat ghosts .. Go with Kameo lol. 


Started getting the Dante stuff in the event on MHW.  Not as big a fan of this quest as I have of others.  :/