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Favorite Video Game Soundtracks

Started by CreepinDeth, May 14, 2018, 11:42:46 PM

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I think every board needs to have a topic like this. I've been listening a lot to the Katamari Damacy OST (always brings a smile to my face, it's so weird!) and the Castlevania: Symphony of the Night OST. The SotN soundtrack is just so amazing, it's one of those soundtracks where I hear a song and pretty much know exactly what level I'm in.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night


Pretty much any Final Fantasy soundtrack is amazing, at least up until 12.  Not a fan of 13 and newer's music, it lost it's like... individuality to me. :/ 

A soundtrack that really shocked me at how much I absolutely adore it is the Monster Hunter World soundtrack. 

Especially the last two tracks (starting at 30:21) omg I seriously fell in love with the 9th track "Michibiki no Uta."


The new God of War OST is absolutely fantastic. But some of my all time favorites are Mario Galaxy, Doom (come on, midi metal music is amazing), pretty much any Legend of Zelda OST, pretty much any Pokemon OST.


Command and Conquer for sure. Can't beat Hell March and Hell March 2 by the one and only Frank Klepacki. Found out that he actually lives here in Vegas and plays drums in local bands here and the former president of Westwood also lives here and owns an art museum haha.

Halo 2 had some solid music too. Blow Me Away by Breaking Benjamin was epic in the game.

Mai Valentine

I'm actually quite fond of the soundtracks for the games in the FFXIII series. I'm hard pressed to pick a favorite, but Sunleth Waterscape is up there.

Tales of Legendia has a great soundtrack as well. My favorite from there is Short Circuit, the theme that plays in the lightning based dungeon.

But my still favorite!! Is "Karma" by Bump of Chicken from Tales of the Abyss (aka "i'm not crying, you're crying" the song)


I don't know about soundtrack but the using Cage the Elephant's "aint no rest for the wicked" for the intro to Boarderlands was as good as anything I've seen, definitely up there with Breaking Benjamin in Halo


Quote from: targetrasp on May 18, 2018, 09:56:11 PM
I don't know about soundtrack but the using Cage the Elephant's "aint no rest for the wicked" for the intro to Boarderlands was as good as anything I've seen, definitely up there with Breaking Benjamin in Halo

That counts. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 has one of the best compilation soundtracks ever. GTA comes close but THPS2 brings back so many memories.


Going pure soundtrack I think @CreepinDeth in on to something. Pro Skater 1 had some cool stuff, Goldfinger, Dead Kennedys and Primus off the top of my head, but Pro Skater 2 doing Bring the Noise and Guerilla Radio (and some other really cool stuff) really pushed it past it's predecessor. After #2 the fad died out for me, so I don't remember any of the other games.

Aside from all that we're forgetting the obvious - The earlier guitar hero / rockband games - i mean that's all they really were was a sound track and scontroller.


Good call on Tony Hawk, those were some good soundtracks.

I don't know if you can really count Rock Band/Guitar Hero haha. Kinda the whole point of those games was to draw people in and make them fun by using good music lol.


Love most games soundtracks but one of my fav's is Lost Odyssey, brilliant game and brilliant soundtrack


As much as I do like Castlevania and Final Fantasy soundtracks.  The Resident Evil (movie from a game) and Mortal Kombat (also movie from a game) soundtracks still stand out.

Lately I have been listening to some of the Nier: Automata soundtrack though.


Went back to a classic today. Started up some original Sonic the Hedgehog OST. It's one of my favorite soundtracks of all time.


@CreepinDeth Sonic had a great sound track.  Very rememberable ... iconic.

I have to say even though it's a midi sound track, Doom 1 and 2 had VERY rememberable songs... as well as borrowing from Alice In Chains and several other groups.   I also really liked Terminal Velocity sound track.... and Descent.  Descent 2 had the 1st CD music - red book audio.

Here's terminal velocity:

Now... it's basic... but it really had the Nine Inch Nails vibe.  To this day, I Still remember this 1st and 2nd songs played well (Title and Ymir theme).  I know @Grindspine dug this game a lot too.  Pretty basic game by today's standard... but was ahead of its time back in the day. 

When Grindspine and I jammed out... we figured out a pretty cool version on guitar.  Hey Grindspine.... reminder... we need to do this again.  IT's probably been 12+ years since we played this.  I completely forgot about it.


Quote from: CreepinDeth on May 19, 2018, 12:36:25 AM

That counts. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 has one of the best compilation soundtracks ever. GTA comes close but THPS2 brings back so many memories.
Need for Speed Most wanted (original) had some cool stuff too.

Pro Skater 3 Had Alien Ant Farm Wish... and was my favorite game.  I think 2 had the better sound track though.

@Grindspine Check the terminal velocity music?   I Started figuring out on 7 string @ B the base riff that goes under the part we used to always play.  I Think we could get that done and done.

If the Video goes somewhere else other than the beginning... start at beginning for intro... and 2nd song IMO is the best.

Bomber Man

This is a youtuber who makes soundtracks of a lot of video game soundtracks. Link below

Ultimate video game soundtrack:
The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma...


Hey @Grindspine check my above comment on Terminal Velocity :D

You know... Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 had some very memorable sounds / music.   The other game... Super Smash Bros Ultimate has one of the better sound tracks I've heard.  While some of it has continued with the Smash series... it's very rememberable and they really did improve upon and introduce really cool new music.


I'm normally more of a metal fan, but I really like the Braid soundtrack, it's just so relaxing.


Quote from: Grindspine on August 12, 2018, 01:15:19 AM
As much as I do like Castlevania and Final Fantasy soundtracks.  The Resident Evil (movie from a game) and Mortal Kombat (also movie from a game) soundtracks still stand out.

Lately I have been listening to some of the Nier: Automata soundtrack though.

Doom (2016) and the old PC game Descent II both had epic soundtracks.

Skyrim is so good as an ambient OST too..


bumping this topic.

@Grindspine Those were definitely awesome.  Did you check my comment for terminal velocity?  We need to jam that out again.

Mai Valentine

The Shadowbringers expansion for FFXIV has an amazing soundtrack. I'd link the title soundtrack but most of the youtube videos are heavy spoilers if you ever planned on playing it.


Nier Automata has one of the best in recent years.  Of course, the Doom 2016 OST was epic too.


@Grindspine I tried to check that out...  unfortunately, the video is not available.

The Lego Movie VideoGame has a great Dubstep theme LOL.  I dig it!

We were playing that game recently.  We finally 100% platinum trophied the game.  Topic:
Lego Movie VideoGame - PlayStation 4 - 100% Complete Platinum Trophy

@Mai Valentine - I will have to check that out as well.