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Post Your Recent Gaming Purchases Thread

Started by BLUEVOODU, March 29, 2018, 09:18:38 PM

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@targetrasp and @retro junkie  --> If it's that cheap right now, I would stock up on as much complete as possible.  I'm going to look around as well for deals.

There are MANY good GameBoy Advance Games worth  adding to a collection.


complete is the problem, the only thing I can ever find is cart only.


Yeah. That's always been the issue  with used DS, gba, Game Boy, and other handheld / mobile formats.   They aren't complete.

Although when a kid loses their game but still has the original materials for the lost one... it comes in handy lol


I just grabbed Dragon Crown Pro for the ps4. I knew nothing of the game other than the steelbook case looked awesome


Interesting @targetrasp ... It somewhat looks like Muramasa - art style wise.


some youtube reviewer called it 2d Diablo... I thought it looked like that DnD sidescroller beat-em-up.

I'll not touch it for a long time, Zelda has taken every free minute


A ton of preorders showed up in the last few weeks

Black Ops 4
Starlink - battle for atlas
C64 Mini
NEO GEO Mini International

I also picked up a few used items

some sub $2.00 retro stuff - Tetris Plus, Namco Museum 64, Namco Museum vol 3, Fable, Mortal Kombat 2

And I deceided to catch up on Smash Brothers; Super Smash Bros, and Brawl should be delivered tomorrow as well as Super Mario 3d land (to replace the disc a third time)


Nice @targetrasp I'm curious how you like the smash stuff after revisiting. 

I bought:

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - ps4
Titanfall 2 Ps4.

I'd really like to get a few people from here on Titanfall  2 for the Playstation 4.  Such a great game


After the butt kicking I got on the first Titanfall I don't know that i'd even give the second one a shot.



Somehow I was able to download it on Origin and play for a while. I didn't get a kill, I couldn't stay in a titan, I couldn't do anything except for die. I might as well have been holding the controller with my feet.

Since I've had kids, started wearing suits to work, lost touch with most of my friends, my gaming prowess (what little I had) has diminished. Despite that, even jumping right into a multiplayer game I'll get a few kills. I was so horrible and had such a rough go at it, I never picked the game up again.


LOL... that is a bit rough, I hear you.  I've ran into a couple other games where that's happened and understand the feels.  I'm still rocking Titanfall 2 right now.  The game was played for about 4 hours on Saturday night... straight.  Best $9 I spent in awhile.


Alright - I'm still loving Titanfall 2 AND Call of Duty Black Ops 4 for the Playstation 4.

However, I bought Blue Rider for the Playstation 4.  It's indeed SHMUP... and I'll post a topic on it soon.

Keep the thread going!


I picked up the SNK 40th anniversary collection for the switch over the weekend. There's already a topic in the switch section if anyone wants to know how blah the game really is

Mai Valentine

I bought a 2ds XL the other day. I wanted something smaller than my giant 3DS XL. The one I got is purple, so double bonus.


holy holiday sales batman...

diablo 3 switch, golf story switch, Spider-Man ps4, wasteland 2 xbone, pilots weapons and ships for starlink

retro junkie

Okay.... this is awkward. My Wii died on me.  >:( Now I can't play Tatsunoko vs Capcom!!! Whats a gamer to do in this situation. After much reading, youtube videos, and fidgeting, I did the only thing I could do. Decided the best replacement for my Wii would be a Wii U. SO.......... I purchased one and it should be on its way to arrive next week unless the Holidays throws a monkey wrench in there somewhere. Also picked up Mario 3D land and Star Fox Zero. I am going to make a list of games. Zelda Breath of the Wild will be the first on that list.  ;)
there is no spoon


Quote from: targetrasp on December 18, 2018, 09:44:49 PM
holy holiday sales batman...

diablo 3 switch, golf story switch, Spider-Man ps4, wasteland 2 xbone, pilots weapons and ships for starlink
Diablo 3 Switch was on Sale?!?!

@retro junkie That's a bummer about your Wii.  Welcome to the Wii U though!  It's a pretty good system.  I haven't picked up Star Fox yet... not sure how good it is.  We should have a topic on that.  You just missed the Zleda: Breath of the Wild sale for the Wii U.  They were blown out... not sure if there are any stores with it in new.  You can find it used still... but the price (I think) is about ready to go up.

Don't forget Super Mario Maker for the Wii U.  That's Hours of fun and you can still upload / play people's levels. There are troll levels though.



As mentioned in @retro junkie post My Wii U Experience... I ended up buying Starfox for the Wii U.  I Also ended up picking up a special edition steel book version of Shadow of War for the PS4.   I love Shadow of Mordor.... I'll post on Shadow of War in the near future.

retro junkie

All Wii U stuff as listed elsewhere, this,

Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Super Mario 3D World
Star Fox Zero
Star Fox Guard
Skylanders Giants
Disney Infinity 3.0
Skylanders Swap Force
The Lego Movie
Skylanders Trap Team
Hyrule Warriors
Xenoblade Chronicles
Sonic All Star Racing
there is no spoon


Picked up RE2 Remake on Steam. Currently testing it out and tweaking the settings. I'm getting massive drops in framerate during cutscenes and gameplay isn't a locked 60FPS at 1080p even though I exceed the Recommended Settings.

Hopefully it's something that can be fixed on my end since I don't want to wait for a patch to play.

Update: I fixed the issue. I had installed the game on my mechanical hard drive. I reinstalled it on my SSD and the game runs like butter with nearly all settings Maxed out at 1080p.

retro junkie

Funny how you get distracted when someone you work around gets interested in a console you own. Here I just got a Wii U and I am purchasing Gamecube games. These are my recent pickups. The opened games have no cover art. I am beginning to suspect that the Batman Begins cover art is not original. Reproduction maybe?  ;)

Batman Begins (had no idea this game existed)
Baten Kaitos
Capcom vs SNK 2 EO (had no idea this game existed- where was I?)
A series of Unfortunate Events
Evolution Worlds
Odama ( i need a gamecube mic for this one)
Waverace Blue Storm (I sort of like the N64 one better)
there is no spoon


OH man... I COMPLETELY forgot about Odama.   That was a fun game.

Shockingly ... you can still get it new and complete for about $27:

I cannot believe this game isn't more... as it was the rage for the longest time.   How do you like it, @retro junkie ?  Get the mic yet?  Also... how is the series of unfortunate events? 

@CreepinDeth So the SSD fixed all the issues?  That's interesting as generally drives as the Western Digital Black perform well. 

I FINALLY picked up my Axiom Verge Multiverse Collectors Edition for the PlayStation Vita.   Click to see story... sigh... Gamestop. BUT I GOT IT!

PS - we need more specific posts on these games.


Quote from: BLUEVOODU on February 11, 2019, 08:46:48 PMunkie[/member]
@CreepinDeth So the SSD fixed all the issues?  That's interesting as generally drives as the Western Digital Black perform well. 

Yeah, it fixed the issue. Looks like the game streams a lot of assets. My hard drive is a tad old but it's not a Black drive. It might be a Green Drive actually. Either way, I saw one other person over at the resetera forums experience this so depending on age/type of drive, you're better off just installing on an SSD.

Mai Valentine

I purchased Nier Automata on Steam, mostly because the next expansion of FFXIV is going to have a crossover raid, but also because I've heard great things about Nier anyway. I haven't played much of it because PC controls are kind of funky, so I've been meaning to use a PS4 controller but just haven't gotten around to it.


I just grabbed Grandia 2 for the Dreamcast and Dragon Warrior 7 for the psx.


I found a complete copy of GTA 4 for the ps3 at a thrift store for 2 bucks and impulse bought Kingdom Hearts - The Story so Far - after hearing a coworker rave about the newest Kingdom Hearts game. Still waiting for the game back log tracker @BLUEVOODU


LOL.... yeah ... Gaming back log tracker... I need to get that moving forward... though there are a few hurdles right now.

I bought 2 Lego Ninjago games for the PlayStation Vita.   I plan to platinum them both... been stalled on Lego Hobbit for a bit.
