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Official Recent Game Happenings / Progress Thread

Started by BLUEVOODU, March 02, 2018, 12:21:22 AM

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Played some Fort Note season 6

I need to get back on my Lego gamea and complete more 100%. I was working on Lego the Hobbit - PS Vita

@Mai Valentine , @Polygon , @Aya-Kun , @ThravRande , @Jack , @MegaDrive20XX , @medataoh  and @Boomsickle - what have you been playing?


Besides whipping my nieces and nephews butts at Mario Kart 8 I tried to play through the first Castlevania over the weekend. Coun't beat Dracula's second form. :/


Quote from: BLUEVOODU on September 13, 2018, 03:48:32 PM
@Polygon - I'm looking into Sonic Mania... I've been jonesing for the games since you mentioned it.  Still playing it?

If you liked the ones on the Genesis you'll love Mania. I'm still playing and I love it. It really scratches that nostalgia itch for me while being fresh and not some rehash. I can't recommend it enough.


Found all the towers and maxed out stamina in Zelda Breath of the Wild. I have three divine beasts left before going after gannon. I ditched the book a while back, it seems like it speeds things up too fast, a lot of my time is just spent climbing mountains or paragliding around. I'm really afraid if I stop playing this that I won't be able to get into anything else.


I've been doing a lot.

Platinumed Spider-man a couple weeks ago, started playing Hollow Knight, beat Detroit Become Human today, and tomorroe I start my October Halloween game binge starting with Alien Isolation.


Quote from: Polygon on October 01, 2018, 06:17:02 PM
If you liked the ones on the Genesis you'll love Mania. I'm still playing and I love it. It really scratches that nostalgia itch for me while being fresh and not some rehash. I can't recommend it enough.

@Polygon I'm going to check this out.  I've been seeing Sonic Mania on Sale here and there.   It's been awhile since I've really played through a Sonic game.   And good job training the next generation in Mario Kart LOL.  :))

@Strubes Your Playstation Rank just keeps exploding lol.  ;D  I need to platinum a game again.. it's been awhile since my last one.  I haven't platinumed many.  What's annoying is you cannot platinum certain games anymore because it was dependent on online features that no longer exist.   I'm going to start a topic on this.

So far... I made a little headway in Dead Star and played a few rounds of fort nite. The last 2 weeks have been incredibly busy ... I Don't expect this week to be better.


I have been playing the mess out of some Diablo 3 since the new season started. We should group up!


If only I knew a place where I could find like-minded individuals to group together with...


Quote from: Jack on October 08, 2018, 05:34:13 PM
I have been playing the mess out of some Diablo 3 since the new season started. We should group up!
OOOO @Jack When did that happen?  I've been MIA on work tasks.   :'(   lol.

SO.... we should all do this.  @targetrasp 

I'm game to start a new season character.  I should have a little time this Saturday.  Are you guys busy tonight?


I got a few FortNite kills... AND... maybe a little more progress in Spiderman - Playstation 4

OOOOooo... I achieved a lot in work lately, but somehow was robbed of earned XP  :))


Saturday is a good day, i'll start a new character as well


LOL... Saturday is a good day  :))

I put in about 6 hours of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4: Black Out Mode.  It's pretty fun.  If so... go to the Black Ops 4 thread and post on it!


I put a lot of time into Titanfall 2 Multiplayer on the Playstation 4.  I scored top in a couple of the rounds... mostly in the middle... and the bottom on a couple rounds.  Those bottom rounds were pretty rough lol.


Alright... Finally made it to level 12 (I believe) in Black out for Call of Duty: Black Ops for the Playstation 4

I have made more progress in Rainbow Moon for the Playstation Vita.  A topic needs to be created on this game... It was left behind for awhile.  I picked it back up recently. 


Quote from: BLUEVOODU on September 13, 2018, 11:18:07 AM
I think I'm buying Overwatch @mastermario

Let it be known to everyone that BV never bought Overwatch but now has it (2 months later) after he was too lazy to purchase it when it was on sale for $12 so it was gifted to him by @SpartanEvolved. :)


lol... and that was very nice of @SpartanEvolved   ... and I'm now at level 5.  So there's more progress.

What progress have you made @mastermario ?   Also, you should get Diablo 3 and play with us.

Other Progress I made:
1.)  Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Black out... made it to level 13 or 14 and a tier that's like double that now.  Having a hard time keeping my KD up right now.  Frustrating lol.  I'll hit many rounds of 1-3 kills ... then go 9 rounds of getting smacked around.
2.)  We made it further in Lego The Movie Video Game

Mai Valentine

I let my roommate borrow my PS4 and tv for Fallout 76 so I'm mostly just on my laptop now, which means FFXIV is what I've been playing most recently. We're in between patches right now and everyone's busy with the holidays so it's in a bit of a lull but I've been using the time to do stuff I wouldn't normally do, like level my crafting classes. The next patch will introduce Blue Mage and start the story leading up to the next expansion, so I'm looking forward to that.

retro junkie

I ran across a game I had not heard of nor knew anything about. I picked it up real cheap, Batman: Brave and Bold for the DS. I have had a ball going through this game. I have went completely through it and now I am working on the special challenge stages that you open up. I would say that the game is not that difficult with just enough puzzle element figuring out how to get through the stages and defeat the bosses. Batman can upgrade his arsenal with the coins you collect through the stages. (Yeah I know, he is supposed to own this stuff already.) You team up with a Brave and Bold hero with abilities you will need to get through each particular stage. You switch up using the touch screen, tag team wrestling style. There is also a special move using both. Did I just review this game?  ::)
there is no spoon


I just finished another playthrough on Resident Evil 4. I haven't done a Professional run on Steam so I went ahead and did that this week. Might start RE5 next.


@Mai Valentine - Would your roommate be interested in joining our forums?  We'd love to have them join  ;D  I bought Fall Out 76 for the PlayStation 4 on a Cyber Monday deal.  FFXIV sounds like it would be fun... I wish I had the time to do a game like that.  Between my game ADD and games like COD BLOPS4, Titanfall 2, and Diablo 3... there's just not a lot to go around.

Speaking of Fall Out 76 - check out the Fall Out 76 Crazy Limited Edition Guide

@CreepinDeth What is a professional run?  I really haven't played Resident Evil 4 more than tries.  I know... bad BV.

@retro junkie lol... I don't remember that game either. would you recommend it?

I played a bunch of Titanfall 2 on PlayStation 4.  There was actually 4000 people online over the weekend.  I love getting into games fast.  I went from level 20 or 21 to over 30.   


I am Pon, been a while. Made it to the third level of Streets of Rage 3.
Hello, my name is Pon, nice to meet you


Welcome to Chicken Dinner Gaming, @pontrumlee ... we are glad to have you.  What are your favorite games and consoles / platforms?


Quote from: BLUEVOODU on December 04, 2018, 09:26:14 PM
@Mai Valentine
@CreepinDeth What is a professional run?  I really haven't played Resident Evil 4 more than tries.  I know... bad BV.

Yep, bad BV!

Professional is the hardest difficulty in the game. I recommend this game even in lower difficulty settings. It's the greatest game of all time!

retro junkie

Quote from: BLUEVOODU on December 04, 2018, 09:26:14 PM
@retro junkie lol... I don't remember that game either. would you recommend it?

If you like adventurish, final fightish, and old school pattern bosses, with a sort-of storyline, you might get a thrill out of the game. Once you beat the game you have all the special stages that you opened up to finish. This is a one or two nighter, depends how you pace yourself in the game. The game gave me a satisfying Batman mini game feel. The animation is very good. It might be better than the cartoon, never watched Brave and Bold series.

If you are itching for a quick DS game I would recommend it. I think there is not enough here to motivate most gamers to come back to, once you have unlocked everything, unless you are a Batman fan. Definitely fan based. It will be one of those games that I will return to, just to use the Batman character to beat up some bad guys. It is a pretty cheap pickup on eBay.

Young 8, 9, or 10 year old would play it to death.
there is no spoon


@CreepinDeth - I really need to play through it.  It's been long enough... I believe I have it in my steam list too  :o   Greatest game of all time??

@retro junkie Those can be fun at times.  I really liked Star Wars Episode 3 on the Nintendo DS - I think that was the official title.  Man... that was a lot of fun for a long time.  IT's been awhile though since I played it... I don't know if it held up.  There should be a post on that game in the future.

So... I made a little progress on iPad game - the Capitalist lol.  Besides that... I've been making progress on IT certification studies.  TRying to finish up 2 certs before EOY 2018.


I finally beat Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles on PSP while home sick last night.


Quote from: BLUEVOODU on December 06, 2018, 09:48:50 PM
@CreepinDeth - I really need to play through it.  It's been long enough... I believe I have it in my steam list too  :o   Greatest game of all time??

Yes it is. It's a fact!  ;D


LOL... I will make it a point to install it and do it @CreepinDeth

I think I am now at level 37-38 on Titanfall 2 - PlayStation 4 online.  I had a lot of fun playing TTF2 with @targetrasp in Saturday Gaming before he was called away LOL.   We need to do that again soon.

Creepin... do you like Titanfall?  It would be cool to get you on this as well.  Titanfall 2 for the PlayStation 4 is like $7-8 shipped lol.  STill active (lower active but active) and fun.


I was shocked, it didn't long at all to get into a game.


Quote from: targetrasp on December 15, 2018, 06:22:03 PM
I was shocked, it didn't long at all to get into a game.
exactly...I'm trying to get @SpartanEvolved to get into this as well.  He has the game lol.  It was good playing today @targetrasp ... maybe we can hop on later tonight or tomorrow.  It is a very fast game to get into... and the attrition matches last about 15 min... so there's a great amount of play in addition to the low wait times.  Great title... it was released at a bad time and was left to the wayside.

I wonder if @Strubes has it as well.

Are you into Titanfall 2 or Titanfall games @CreepinDeth ?