Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - PlayStation 4

Started by BLUEVOODU, October 12, 2018, 10:16:38 AM

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LOL... I have to keep saying this.. @Jack add me to PS4... and steam.  I cannot find your user name.  VRBADA.. I know... but I cannot find yours.  There's only 1 BLUEVOODU!

@targetrasp Black Out is a great way to see what all the weapons do... so is Team Death Match or free for all.  Both of those are exactly like the classic modes with the same load outs / classes.


Hey @Jack - I didn't see your invite on steam or PS4.

Jack and @targetrasp ... we still need to play Black Op 4.   I've played a lot of Blackout... still haven't won yet... but been in the top 5-10 many times.


my son has been playing a lot of gun game. I really should have purchased 2 copies of this, maybe now that places are selling it for 30 I will...


LOL... I sort of kick myself paying what I did for the Gamestop Steelbook Pro edition... but I've had a lot of fun with this game so far.  I know a couple Saturdays I played all day.   SOOOOOoooo... we need to break this out too, right @targetrasp ?



You know... I have many of the other call of duties...I think we can campaign co-op some of the other ones as well, right?  That would actually be fun. Its been awhile.


I'd be all for an achievement / trophy hunt co-op campaign type of thing. I've got most of the call of duty games (scattered across various sony and xbox platforms). I've forgotten which have coop campaign (seems like modern warfare and world at war at least do) but they're all pretty fun.

I did get around to playing a few rounds of gun game in blops4 today and enjoyed myself. I can almost forgive cod for not having a campaign since the mp is so robust BUT revisiting the game years later will be unlikely.

I feel sorry for those that bought into the limited edition variants -- it seems like spending tons of money on an investment that you know is going to tank @BLUEVOODU wouldn't you agree?


lol yes... to an extent.  Though I'm a sucker for the included extras they give you. They may not all be 100% worth the money, but they are cool AND hard to get at the second go around.  I have yet to play WWII

btw... I Think we can coop the campaign Titanfall 2. 


ww2 doesn't allow coop campaign, you have to go all the way back to world at war. (I think mine is on 360 but a ps3 version could be had for pennies)... I'll run through campaign on Titan


hm... WW2 doesn't?   Do you know which ones do @targetrasp ?   

We should be able to play Titanfall 2 campaign... that would be fun too... it's a decent campaign.