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Official Recent Game Happenings / Progress Thread

Started by BLUEVOODU, March 02, 2018, 12:21:22 AM

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Quote from: BLUEVOODU on December 15, 2018, 07:33:53 PM
Are you into Titanfall 2 or Titanfall games @CreepinDeth ?

@BLUEVOODU  - I have the first one on Origin. I booted it up once and then put it away since I had other games to play. So, not really, lol.  :))


LOL!  SOOOooooo @CreepinDeth  you mean there's a chance???   or maybe a snowball's chance in hell.  :))

@XFaKToRX posted on Discord that it's $6 right now .... I Think on PSN.  He's picking it up.    Hopefully we'll get him and @SpartanEvolved to join.   Mostly just looking for casual fun lol... it's a good time.

retro junkie

I have been playing a little of Diablo 3 on my PS3 this morning. I have had the game for months but just haven't sit down and tried it out. I had it on easy just to get the feel of the game. I am thinking that I have played the game before, but it was not 3, been a long time ago.

Also played Time & Eternity which is a manga style anime feel JRPG game. I got into it passed the intro and title screen, into the gameplay. I find it interesting. I have not played anything like this. I do like the battle system which you can stand at a distance or move up close, and dodge your enemy's attacks. You are limited as to where you can move during the battle. Up close hand to hand, at a distance you can use your rifle, you also have your helper. It is sort-of a romance story line, but  I either missed it or it has not explained why I am fighting monsters in my journey. I do know why I am on my journey.

Probably a bad time to start this at Christmas. I could easily become distracted.
there is no spoon


Started going through Spider-Man for PS4. This game is really fun and feels so good when swinging around the city. I hope there's a sequel.


Spider-Man is good! I sat down for a solid 2 - 3 hours today and went through a decent portion of the game earlier today. If it wasn't for eyestrain I don't think I would have stopped playing.

retro junkie

Just finished Skylanders Giant in story mode on my Wii U. Not complete as I have not found everything to be found. I started it this past weekend and was determined to finish before the years end.
there is no spoon


I'm not Titanfalls biggest fan BUT it is fun, and worth the price of admission. Had I bought the game at launch for full price I would have been pissed.

Other than Titanfall I've been playing a lot of SPider-Man. Turning the combat difficulty up is really satisfying but that close quartered stuff with the crappy camera angles gets irritating.


Spiderman is a pretty good game.  I ran into the camera angle thing as well.

I paid for Titanfall 2 on PC... bought it at launch.  Other than the PC crowd dying off, I thought it was worth it.  I don't find many games with retail.  However, once the PC crowd died off due to bad release timing, I Was annoyed... a lot.  I loved the game and really wanted to play it more but couldn't get into online games.

That's why I love the PS4 version so much, we get into games fast.  The price at $6-15 is well worth it and there's a ton of great gameplay to be had.  You have to enjoy the Titanfall style though.


Spider-Man is the first game I've really gotten into since Breath of the Wild. Speaking of, I should probably finish Breath of the Wild at some point..


Yes you should finish it... I still need to buy it.

speaking of which.... Titanfall  ;D


I made more progress on Rainbow Moon on The PlayStation Vita.   It took awhile to start making progress again in this game.  It's like you'll get periods of a lot of progress... then you won't for awhile and have to grind.  The other thing is.. it literally takes better items to advance... I mean Advance at all.   So... I made progress and now am stuck at another spot... probably for a year.

Made several level ups in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Black Out mode.  This is seriously my favorite Battle Royale game to date.


is it too late to call the site or what's blops's version of a chicken dinner?


Lol no @targetrasp  wasn't meant to be any game centric. It was more of a play on the winner winner chicken dinner ... and site about winning.   But some of that stuff has strayed a bit.  Trying to figure out where from here right now... this place is here to stay and I've done what I've done to make sure what happened to the old won't be required with the new.

I played a bit of splatfest in Splatoon 2 for the switch.  I think my son accomplished max level. It was a lot of fun.


It's for the best, I'd take a while for autocomplete to learn a new site anyway...

Spider-Man - it's pretty awesome, still working at it 60ish percent on the campaign. Smash Bros. is still in its shrink wrap... may have to do something about that soon


i finally subscribed to Nintendo's online service and immediately played Zelda all the way through 5. I couldn't remember 6 and 7's location on the first quest right off the top of my head so I quit.

I picked up Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe today, probably only to go into the pile of back logged games for a few years


I've made 0 progress on games this week...  :-[ :o
wait... I made a small and quick "progress" on Adventure Capitalist on the iPad lol.


I beat the first Koopa Kid in Mario Deluxe and tried out Smash Bros... Not sure I'm going to like Smash but to be fair I wasn't in a fighting game kind of mood.

I have been really wanting to play Symphony of the Night or Rondo of Blood, may have to necro a playstation for symphony. I doubt I'll come off the hip for Rondo.


Started up Zelda 2 with the Nintendo online on the switch. Suspend points make this game infinitely less frustrating. I remember never having enough patience to beat it without the game genie. When you run out of lives you start back at the sleeping princess, often no where near where you were. Also, your experience got subtracted when an enemy hits you and completely reset when you had to continue. Now with the suspend feature when it gets to the last life I can save and retry from that point. it's really helpful to retry tough encounters until I reach that next experience milestone or finish off that palace boss before having to start all over and / or losing your experience progress.


I've had 0 progress in anything but quick games ... such as Adventure Capitalist on the iPAd LOL... I am hoping to take my test this Thursday and game for a few days as break.

What has everyone else been up to? 


Still messing around with the NES games on Nintendo's Online service -

Zelda - Level 9
Zelda 2 - Palace 6
Super Mario 3 - world 5

Ninja Gaiden - beat but used the SP version (started off at right at Fighting Ryu's dad, then the end guy), still difficult, still hate / love that game.


the online service is pretty fun.. have you tried any multiplayer games yet?

I want to try ice hockey... or another one  ;D


I've not played any multiplayer yet. I'm all about some ice hockey


So... I had to play a little Tetris 99 today.   MAde it to 3rd place once.  By the time you get to 10-20 left... the pieces are moving VERY fast.  It's a lot like the Tetris DS I played back on the DS.  I loved this game.   Well ... let the addition begin again.

Official Tetris 99 topic here:
Download the TetrisĀ® 99 game for free - Nintendo Switch


Mai Valentine

I've been playing Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions on my phone. I just got to the part where
Spoiler: ShowHide
Thunder God Cid
joins your party.


Quote from: CreepinDeth on February 22, 2019, 07:56:13 PM
Quote from: BLUEVOODU on February 17, 2019, 03:03:43 PM
Well ... let the addition begin again.

Math is involved? Guess I'm out then.  :P
LOL @CreepinDeth I TOTALLY missed this... LOL...   yes.   Math is totally involved  ;D

I've yet to win... but I've placed 2nd a few times.  It's fairly ridiculous by the time you get are 1 of 2 left.  The pieces are falling so fast.   Have you tried it yet?

@Mai Valentine I remember Final Fantasy Tactics Advance... that was a massively played game.  Does War of Lions build off of that?


@BLUEVOODU - I haven't tried it out yet. The Switch basically belongs to my wife now. I'll probably grab one when the new versions come out.

retro junkie

For some strange reason I just rediscovered my Sega Genesis collection again. Been spending a lot of time playing through those games. Trying right now to form a list of games that I have so I don't up and purchase something I already have.  8)
there is no spoon


@retro junkie sounds like fun

I just run through CODMW Remastered on PS4 and am trying to convince myself to play though it at a slower pace to pick up the rest of the intel pieces. I'm also looking at Red Dead 2 since it just dropped to $39 at gamestop and bestbuy, Star Tropics (free on Nintendo Online) or some Zelda I've not beat yet.


@targetrasp WE need to make time to play some COD MW... maybe this coming weekend?

I have only played some more Tetris 99.  Tetris 99 topic:  Download the TetrisĀ® 99 game for free - Nintendo Switch .   Seriously... if you  haven't downloaded it... you should  Though people are getting much better.  I only hit 1 top 10 this time... and I Was getting hit pretty hard.   I am level 31 now.