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The Incredible Hulk - Ed Norton 2008 Version

Started by BLUEVOODU, January 01, 2020, 04:40:04 PM

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This was the last of the Marvel MCU movies that I needed to see to have seen them all.   There was a good deal on the Blu-ray and I obtained The Incredible Hulk... and it did not disappoint.

I thought the movie was WELL done.  It sucks there are distribution / rights / license issues... I really think they could've done at least another 1-2 Incredible Hulk movies.   However, they were reduced to making Hulk appearances in other movies due to these issues.  Ed Norton was a great choice... and did a superb job.   He is totally different than Mark Ruffalo ... who in my opinion is an equally good Hulk... just in a different way.

It's definitely not as viewed or talked about in the Marvel MCU... the movie didn't do particularly well in the theaters.  However, this has been typical of Hulk throughout the years.  Personally... I really liked the movie.  They left a potential sequel wide open as well.   

Who here has seen it?   What are your thoughts on the Incredible Hulk?  Post it up!

retro junkie

Been a long time. But there was a lot that I liked about the 2008 and also the 2003 movie. Some of the content of both movies brought back memories of the comics from my childhood. Basic story line of both movies were loosely adopted from the early comics.

But I do remember enjoying both movies. I probably need to go back and rewatch.
there is no spoon


As much as I have seen the MCU movies, this is one that I have not seen yet.

From what I understand, The 2008 Hulk and Iron Man 3 are the two movies that can be skipped where you still get the full MCU build up to Avengers: Infinity Wars and End Game.


You might be able to skip them @Grindspine , however.... I wouldn't want to.  Iron Man 3 was a pretty good flick.  The Incredible Hulk was also really good.  There are a few things it ties up... albeit small... the General is in other films as well.

I can see where others say that as the Hulk doesn't exactly act like the future Hulk in certain ways.  But it also shows how he's starting to become like he is in the future.  Maybe I'm adding too much to it in my mind.   You should check it out... it's well done.  There's a credit scene that ties some stuff together as well.

It really is shame there wasn't another Hulk Movie.   Definitely check it out again @retro junkie



I like Ed Norton better, I like Ruffalo's hulk better (writing probably has more to do with it than actor).

I can't unsee Jennifer Connley's last scene in Requiem for a Dream so whenever I see her in anything else its distracting.. Overall the movie was enjoyable but it does seem like an afterthought.


I don't think I've seen the 2008 Hulk, I'll have to check it out! We marathoned most of them in a week back before Endgame came out, took a few days off work and sent the kids to grandma's. Worth it :-D


I finally watched it not too long ago, since it was the only movie in the official Avengers timeline that I hadn't seen. It was alright, not terrible. Torn on which version of The Hulk is "better" but it was worth seeing for continuity's sake, if nothing else.


@Polygon yeah...  agree there. I really liked the movie though. Even now I'm still torn. I like them both for different reasons.

Welcome back polygon!   Glad to have you back  ;D