Disney Resetting Star Wars; Erasing Last Jedi - cosmicbook.news

Started by BLUEVOODU, June 30, 2020, 09:33:59 AM

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I read through the article, but fan theory knows no bounds.  Anything is possible in a fantasy universe, even more so in the wild ideas of fans who cannot accept something into their concept of what should be cannon in a franchise.

I just question the validity of someone who goes by "doomcock" saying that this is how three major release movies will be removed from cannon.


I tend to agree with @Grindspine questioning the authority of a "doomcock" now if it was DR. Doomcock....

Since the invention of the internet, people have complained about Star Wars and there's a lot of ammunition - Jar Jar, Anakin, chemistry between padme and anakin, what trilogy was worst, who shot first, blah blah blah...

Retconning could be ok, there's some stuff in some of pre Disney books i liked. Han and Leia had twins, for instance. Luke had a love interest. There's some other stuff in the sequel trilogy that was pretty cool. Leia, Rey, and Luke's God Modes were pretty cool. Getting more than just force push, pull, lifting rocks, persuading weak minds, jumping far, and twirling a light saber out of the force powers was cool. Kylo stopping a blaster bolt was amazing. I'm ok with what's there... I'd love to see some Old republic stuff.

There's a lot of the galaxy left to explore, I'd hate to see things get tied up on one tiny piece of it.

retro junkie

I liked that last movie, thought it was good, even though there were those moments that made it fit in with the rest. I am talking about the stuff that I felt was hard to swallow. But every Star Wars movie has had its little quirks. Those moments that make you say "Whuuut?" "Why did they do this?" But to erase something from cannon? Especially because you didn't like it? Or because you thought it failed?
I thought the plan was to move on into a new adventure and leave the Skywalker legacy behind. Create something new, fresh. Go back to the original three and study them, understand why they worked. They were based on a "time period" of cliffhanger serials stuffed into a space opera adventure. As we can see it is hard to repeat that stuff. Trying to evolve that into a normal movie has its issues and problems. Back then they even created new ways to use in making special effects to use in the movies.
there is no spoon


At this point, my personal favorite era of Star Wars occurs from Episode II: Attack of the Clones through The Clone Wars animated series, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and up to Star Wars: Rebels.

Seeing the connections fall into place of what led to A New Hope and understanding the backstory of the fall of Anakin to the dark side was pretty epic!

Rey is still an awesome Jedi, The Force Awakens is an overall good Star Wars action flick.  There is no need to really rewrite anything, although I certainly would not miss either Jar Jar Binks or "Space Leia" in the grand scheme that is Star Wars.

In the end, Lucasfilm and Disney will do what they do.  Fans might love it or hate it, but they'll still watch it.


If true, I have mixed feelings on this. I wish they wouldn't have thrown out the original Expanded Universe (Legends now, I guess) because there were some damn good storylines that came out of that. I wish they'd even have tried to use that as a model for the new series even if it wasn't the exact same stories. But, we got what we got and I've accepted that. I don't know if starting a fresh reboot with a much older Luke and Han (if Harrison Ford would even want to do it) and no Leia or a re-casted Leia would really do any more justice than the new series.