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Happy Birthday Retro Junkie!

Started by BLUEVOODU, February 27, 2025, 07:41:06 PM

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@retro junkie - a wonderful happy birthday to you!  I apologize for the late message!

And for you.. and especially you... if you get the gift of gaming, please post up your spoils.  Your spoils never disappoint!


retro junkie

I am having a lot of difficulty wrapping my head around the fact that I am 70 years old. One thing that has helped, I think, is exercise. I do 100 pushups, some 100 jumping jacks, a step up on a step exercise, and some stomach crunching before breakfast. I do an hour on a stationary bike in the afternoon. I worked up to doing this before retirement. My diet has gone toward healthier choices. I am in better shape now than when I worked sitting behind a desk all day. And my Doctor doesn't fuss at me anymore. With that being said, my birthday seemed to flow like a telephone pole passes a moving car. I still occasionally ask myself, I am 70? How did this happen? How did I get here?
My family helped me celebrate in style by spoiling me as usual. They gave me retro games plus. I received the Capcom edition of the Hyper Mega Tech Super Pocket for Christmas. And here for my birthday I got the Taito edition from my Wife. I have spent more time on this than anything else I got for my birthday. I was blown away by the Sega Arcade Classics game. It is clean and in mint collector condition. I don't think it was ever played that much at all. But it is missing the manual. It is like this was taken off the shelf from a store condition. The only thing I haven't played yet is the DC Villains. Spending my time on the Super Pocket. The Tensei game made me forget I was playing on a Switch.
Thank you for the Birthday wishes. I wish forums like this were a part of the present gaming culture. I sure miss that generation.

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there is no spoon


I think that we all miss forum communities at times. I spend quite a bit of time on mostly because guitar is my other main hobby.

It is good to hear that you are attending to your health as you reach that age milestone! I think that Bluevoodu and I are both hitting more health problems at our ages too!


@retro junkie Yeah... that is definitely a good routine to keep up for health.  Keep moving.  @Grindspine is right... we have both hit more health issues.  I know it's been a bit harder for me over the last 2-3 years with a few things I encountered as well.

I also get the feeling... "where the heck did it go" and "how did I get here?"  We have been talking about it recently between Grinspine, @SpartanEvolved and also @targetrasp ... where the heck did it go?!   Starcraft 2 came out 15-ish years ago. Starcraft 1 was 27.  We were all gaming not that long ago during LAN sessions... and doing the EGA podcast.  That was almost 20 years ago! What in the world!?!

I miss older formats like this... it seems the world does not.  I wish there was more activity, but again... it seems the world has moved on a bit.  CDG will continue to be here and move forward though!   

AND your birthday gaming stash is awesome lol.   :happydance:  :great:   At this point... how do they pick something out for your birthday??