Thoughts on Layout, Sections, Etc?

Started by BLUEVOODU, January 26, 2018, 01:21:47 AM

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There is a karma feature on the board for users.  I haven't turned this on.

2.1 is in beta right now and this version offers more of these features.  It's just not ready for a 'production/live' run though.

It also has the @ tagging like Mario mentioned.

There are some mods ... but if you remember how modded the board was before we had a few issues where I had to up upgrade and then lose features, I'm trying to keep things as stock as possible to avoid this in the future. But we can look into them at some point of 2.1 is a long way off.

retro junkie

It is best to just keep everything simple then and not rock the boat. It is a total giant headache when something gets whacked.
there is no spoon


Is it possible to embed youtube videos? I know you can link to them but some forums allow you to actually watch the video in the thread. Not a big deal but a feature I think is really cool.


Quote from: retro junkie on February 25, 2018, 03:53:22 PM
It is best to just keep everything simple then and not rock the boat. It is a total giant headache when something gets whacked.
Yeah - It really was a pain modifying everything.  It was awesome while doing it... tons of cool features... but when it comes time to upgrade, you generally have to upgrade and then re-install all mods.   Sometimes it works seamlessly... other times it doesn't.  There are definitely a few additional mods I'd like to add.

Quote from: CreepinDeth on February 25, 2018, 06:11:40 PM
Is it possible to embed youtube videos? I know you can link to them but some forums allow you to actually watch the video in the thread. Not a big deal but a feature I think is really cool.
speaking of mods... There is a mod I'm looking into right now.  It would be the 2nd mod installed on this forum if installed... but it allows embedding like this.

do you see embedding super useful?  This mod would make embedding possible for a TON of different services.

Also, please see Reply #28 above - and let me know.

I'm also Trying to figure out if we should add more boards and categories to what we already have up (on top of the market idea above)... but not exactly sure what we should add at this time.


Quote from: BLUEVOODU on February 23, 2018, 04:34:15 PM
So would everyone suggest creating a new category called "The Market" and have 3 boards:
1.) Console / handheld Deals
2.)  PC Hardware and Games Deals
3.)  Movie / Media Deals

Is that what you are thinking?   I'm sort of leaning to merging Movie / Media deals in with Console / handheld ... What media exactly?   Hm... might need to brain storm a bit more on this.  Good suggestions... thinking of how to implement right.

That list is how I was imagining it in my head. You could move Movie/Media deals in with Console since most people probably view their Blu-rays/digital movies on a console anyways.

Quotespeaking of mods... There is a mod I'm looking into right now.  It would be the 2nd mod installed on this forum if installed... but it allows embedding like this.

do you see embedding super useful?  This mod would make embedding possible for a TON of different services.

I like it because then I wouldn't have to open a new tab to view the video posted. I'm a big fan of not having to leave the page you're on if it isn't necessary.


OK - I will look into the embedding mod again.    I'll see if I Can do it tonight.  Need to make sure it works with everything...etc.

Quote from: CreepinDeth on February 26, 2018, 09:48:54 PM
Quote from: BLUEVOODU on February 23, 2018, 04:34:15 PM
So would everyone suggest creating a new category called "The Market" and have 3 boards:
1.)  Console / handheld Game and Hardware, Movie / Media Deals
2.)  PC Hardware and Games Deals

That list is how I was imagining it in my head. You could move Movie/Media deals in with Console since most people probably view their Blu-rays/digital movies on a console anyways.
Trying to figure out how to neatly put #1

Also - should we throw it in General?   OR Create "The Market?"

Anyone else agree / disagree?


General probably works. It'll probably get more traffic that way.


I'm starting to rethink some of the layout as well.  As it is... it doesn't give us a good way to expand like Nintendolife, IGN, GameFAQS and other message boards.

Just starting to rethink the consolidation right now... maybe we do need to explode some of the boards out.  I created a topic about the Neo Geo... but I'm not sure that's enough.     I'm going to write this brain crap out and see about coming up with something.  This is a great start... but may be too limited.

Thougts / suggestions... post it up.


ok - I changed up the Deals boards a bit... let me know what you think - a little indecision on these, but they look good imo.



Yeah I think that looks a lot better.


Quote from: Kinikko on March 11, 2018, 05:50:53 PM
Yeah I think that looks a lot better.

Great!  Thank you for the feedback

All - keep posting feedback... I'd like your input on this.

I'm going to switch gears about midweek and start working on the next part - may start a new section / layout thread to keep things organized.  It's time to start working on board / category and progressing with our  organization.  Thought about it this weekend a bit... looking to push forward on direction.


Quote from: retro junkie on February 25, 2018, 02:17:15 PM
Is there a way to put something up so that we could put a like on someones post? I have seen that feature in some forums.

By the way... still looking into this as well as an ability to do Google +1, Facebook Like, AND Twitter.  That way people can share the posts on the board with Social media (if they want to obviously).

Looking into Reddit as well... Don't see much for that - I might be able to personally code something though.

retro junkie

there is no spoon


Quote from: retro junkie on March 11, 2018, 11:06:06 PM
Don't break anything. ???

Now... come on... it's only fun if there's a chance to break something.


Ok. I guess no more comments - I'm going to post up the next items up for change / bid ... hopefully by tomorrow. No promises... Tomorrow is a crazy day.

In the meantime, if you have section/category/board ideas - feel free to post them up.  It can be stuff from others places you'd like to see - maybe in our own fashion... or unique ideas.


Sounds good BV. Don't rush it if you don't have the time. We'll be okay.  :)


Quote from: targetrasp on February 04, 2018, 11:15:34 PM
There's so much I really liked about EGA so it's difficult not to recommend beloved sections... We really need something additional that's different but as good...
Any other ideas with this?

I am going to move this thread sometime today (into the suggestions board) and start a new fresh topic highlighting a little bit of what has been done and then move forward with new items.   

The process of inviting and advertising the site has begun... working on new members and getting the word out there.  I'm looking into a member contest - to get more people to the site.

Also - looking into ideas to get more posting - same old conundrum as the old board lol  ;D  We are doing pretty well 2 months in - just need to work on consistent activity and posts... and getting members to post new stuff if old stuff isn't gaining communication.  This part takes a bit of a push.