Would you like notifications on by default?

Started by BLUEVOODU, March 22, 2018, 02:55:11 PM

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This is the option :

Turn notification on when you post or reply to a topic

This way you are notified/emailed when there is a reply to a topic you commented on.   

Post it up!


Oh lord no, I don't need any more emails than I already get.  XD 


Lol.. Do you feel too many are sent ?   Ie by my announce topics?

I send those periodically to try to let people know stuff is going on and to try too get others back here and posting.


Quote from: BLUEVOODU on March 22, 2018, 02:55:11 PM
This way you are notified/emailed when there is a reply to a topic you commented on.   

That's what I mean.  I already have way too many emails in my life (I have like 10 all together both personal , I don't need more lol. 


LOL... I totally understand that.   Please see the Mention topic - you can turn off the emails for mentions.  Part of my troubleshooting turned them on for all existing members.

Also, I will try to keep the Announcement topics to 1 per week or less... but don't want to do too few as this helps communicate with members that don't frequent.


Oh announcements are fine, I just didn't want to get assaulted with topic reply emails.  XD


Quote from: Kinikko on March 26, 2018, 11:53:28 PM
Oh announcements are fine, I just didn't want to get assaulted with topic reply emails.  XD
LOL... I envisioned a bunch of email cruiser missiles / tomahawks flying toward someone in a cement bunker  - Thank you for the clarification  ;D